[Abstract]:The development of big data's technology has brought the human society into a new era and brought new contents and changes to the field of international relations. Sino-US relations are the most important and complex bilateral relations in international relations today. Big data will bring new opportunities and challenges to the development of bilateral relations. Big data's strong ability to analyze and forecast and the enormous commercial value in it will help China and the United States to enhance mutual trust and expand the field of cooperation. At the same time, the issues of data security and data sovereignty will also bring competition and game to Sino-US relations. In the context of the establishment of a new type of great power relationship between China and the United States, big data, as a new thinking and new vision, provides conditions and possibilities for China and the United States to create a new interactive atmosphere and create a new situation. China should grasp the new opportunities provided by big data's time, strengthen cooperation with the United States in terms of technology, legislation and so on, and promote the development of Sino-US relations in the direction of positive interaction.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院;中国社会科学院研究生院亚太系;
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