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发布时间:2018-10-23 06:41
[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, with the growing influence of Latin American countries in the international arena, China and the United States have strengthened their public diplomacy to Latin American countries for the sake of their national interests. There are differences in implementing institutions and in urban communication. On the purpose of public diplomacy, China hopes to use public diplomacy to spread Chinese culture, strengthen Latin American people's understanding of the real situation of China, and create a favorable environment for China's development in Latin America. The United States aims to spread its own values, curb the spread of terrorism in the region and strengthen economic cooperation with Latin America in order to consolidate and enhance its international standing. In terms of public diplomatic resources, the material resources used by China and the United States are roughly the same, but the non-material resources used by the United States are different from those of China because of the different cultures and national conditions of China and the United States. In the use of public diplomacy technology, both China and the United States focus on Internet technology and social media, but the United States is significantly better than China in the use of technology. In the aspect of public diplomacy implementing institutions, China mainly carries out public diplomacy activities through Confucius Institute and Confucius classroom, while the United States has more types of public diplomacy institutions, more quantity and more complete functions. In the aspect of city diplomacy, compared with China, the United States has a longer history of making friendly cities with Latin American countries, covers far more countries and cities than China, and has more types of activities between American and Latin American friendly cities. This paper argues that although the U.S. influence in Latin America has declined, it should not be underestimated; China's public diplomacy in Latin America is a difficult road, but the prospects are bright.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学社会历史学院;


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