[Abstract]:This paper defines the East China Sea, Huang Hai and its affiliated straits passage and marginal inner sea as "East Asian Mediterranean Sea", so as to observe the historical process of Diaoyu Islands' evolution from the existence of East Asia margin to the core issue of East Asia, which can provide a new research perspective. Before modern times, China occupied the leading position in the international relations around East Asia Mediterranean Sea for more than a thousand years, but Japan gradually challenged. During this period, Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands were first discovered, named, used and recognized as Chinese dependencies by ancient books of China and Japan. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan annexed Ryukyu and defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War to gain control of the East Asian Mediterranean Sea and stole the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands. After World War II, the East Asian Mediterranean was transferred to the United States. In the process of exclusive strategic trust of Ryukyu Islands, the United States illegally brought the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands under the jurisdiction of the Ryukyu people's Government. After the Korean War, the United States established the national policy of supporting Japan to become a major Asian power again and allied it with the "free world", and promised to "return" the Ryukyu regime to Japan. At the time of its return, the United States, ignoring China's opposition, handed over the regime of the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands to Japan privately in Ryukyu, and declared its "neutrality" on the issue of sovereignty, thus creating the Diaoyu Islands issue and using it in an intermediate way. The transfer of sea power in East Asia became the cause of Diaoyu Island problem.
【作者单位】: 南京大学中华民国史研究中心;
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