[Abstract]:Recurrent tensions are a common feature of bilateral disputes. A series of recurrent tensions among actors have become the basic characteristics of maritime disputes in East Asia. On the basis of the existing theories of competitive evolution, learning theory and spiral model, the author analyzes the consequences of this kind of recurrent tension by combining the latest research results of emotional elements in international relations. A series of repeated and unresolved tensions should be regarded as a process of mutual acceptance, and the previous events will be the background factors for subsequent events. With each outbreak of tension, the political situation changes accordingly, and in unresolved disputes recurrent tensions exacerbate bilateral confrontation. Owing to the lack of effective communication and coordination among the dispute actors to perpetuate tensions and to stimulate leaders to take a more assertive approach in the next crisis, recurrent tensions can increase the frequency and intensity of friction between the two sides, At the same time, the psychological effect and the domestic political dynamics of the recurrent crisis affect the leaders and the public at the two levels, encouraging them to put all their efforts into the crisis rather than adopting a compromise strategy. The author compares the consequences of repeated tensions in a series of East Asian maritime territorial disputes to illustrate this logic.
【作者单位】: 新加坡国立大学政治学系;牛津大学政治学与国际关系系;北京外国语大学;
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