[Abstract]:From the perspective of international role theory, it can be recognized that the role orientation is of great significance to the development of the country, and at the same time, the international role should be adjusted with the change of the world order. Due to the rapid improvement of China's comprehensive national strength and international influence, the structural changes in China's position in the international system have attracted the attention of the world today, and have generated multiple and complex expectations of China's international role. It even led to the status dilemma of China's international role. First of all, we need calm analysis, from the basic theory, to clarify the subjective and objective factors of the positioning of the international role, and to distinguish the current structural position of China in the international system; At the same time, we should seek a reasonable connection between the development goal and the international role, so as to better safeguard the national interests and help to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
【作者单位】: 第二军医大学人文社科部;
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