[Abstract]:South Africa used to be a country of apartheid and despotism, a society that was so polarized that blacks were subjected to systematic aggression and socio-economic exploitation. However, this situation is bound to change, as respect for and protection of human rights have become the mainstream of the development of the international community today, and they are the unshirkable obligations and responsibilities of individual States. Since 1990, South Africa began to reform its democratization. This great historical change is, on the surface, the abolition of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic system of racial equality, but its essence is the respect and guarantee of the realization of human rights in South Africa. In the process, South Africa has reformed its existing national institutions and has also established some new national institutions. The South African Human Rights Commission is the newly established national institution of South Africa in the process of transformation. Its role is to promote respect for human rights and the development of a human rights culture, to promote the protection, development and protection of human rights, and to monitor and evaluate the human rights situation in South Africa. This paper focuses on the South African Human Rights Commission, which focuses on the effectiveness of the South African Human Rights Commission in fulfilling its constitutional and legal responsibilities and summarizing the role of the South African Human Rights Commission in promoting respect for human rights, The successful experiences and shortcomings in protection and realization can be used as a reference for other countries to set up human rights commissions. This paper consists of an introduction, a text and a conclusion. The introduction explains the background, purpose, significance and method of this paper. The text consists of five chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces the establishment of the South African Human Rights Commission, which is linked to the process of democratization in South Africa. This determines that the establishment of the Human Rights Commission in South Africa has, in addition to the objective of respecting and guaranteeing human rights, the purpose of strengthening democracy and promoting good governance; The second chapter analyzes the basic situation of the South African Human Rights Commission from the static and dynamic aspects. First, the independent legal status of the Human Rights Commission is analyzed. Secondly, the paper introduces the organizational structure of the South African Human Rights Commission, including the members of the Commission, the administrative staff and the assistant staff, and analyzes the regulations and deficiencies of the members of the South African Human Rights Commission. Finally, it describes the functioning of the South African Human Rights Commission, including the system of meetings of the Commission and the responsibilities performed by the Commission; The third and fourth chapters focus on South Africa's provisions on the mandate of the Human Rights Commission on education, advice and relief and their actual implementation. The study shows that the South African Human Rights Commission has carried out its mandate actively and has achieved good results. Chapter V, on the basis of the Paris principles, draws the conclusions of the South African Human Rights Commission on the effectiveness of the South African Human Rights Commission through an analysis of independence, accessibility, cooperation, accountability and a broad mandate, And summed up the South African Human Rights Commission in the past 15 years of successful experience and problems faced; In conclusion, it is pointed out that the effective functioning and good results of the South African Human Rights Commission are determined by a number of factors, and that copying the Paris principles does not necessarily lead to the establishment of an effective Human Rights Commission. Countries can establish an effective human rights commission only by combining their historical background, political environment, economic situation, social development and other factors.
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