[Abstract]:Since the end of the Cold War and in the new century, America's emphasis on Latin America has continued to decline. As Latin American countries face severe political, economic and social challenges, their feelings of loss and aversion to the United States are deepening. During this period, the radical left-wing political forces in Latin America gradually formed and developed rapidly. The radical left in Latin America pushed for radical change after Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, and foreign policy, especially toward the United States, has been transformed under the demands of defending sovereign interests, consolidating governance and responding to popular sentiment. Radical left-wing leaders such as Ch 谩 vez, Morales and Correa have taken a hard line against the United States and challenged their traditional interests and authority in their own countries and Latin America. At the same time, the Bush administration, with ideas such as neoconservatism and unilateralism, is hostile to radical left-wing regimes in Latin America, with the intention of dominating their domestic politics and dividing their camps. Relations between the two sides continue to be tense, but in the context of the continued spread of the international financial crisis and the Obama administration, there has been some relaxation. In the process of overall evolution and development, the relationship between the United States and the radical left-wing regime in Latin America has shown a strong stage characteristic, and has been adjusted by the United States foreign policy. Latin American radical left-wing regime in power development and leadership personality characteristics and other specific factors. Due to the irreconcilability of the fundamental contradictions between the two sides and the potential instability of the ruling situation of the radical left-wing regime and the internal structure, the relationship between the United States and the radical left-wing regime in Latin America will face a severe test in the future.
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