[Abstract]:As the world's superpower, the United States is increasingly challenged by China for its strength and international status. It is very alert to the rise of China and attaches importance to developing relations with Asian countries. Developing relations with India in the field of security is an important part of America's Asia-Pacific strategy. The United States and India have long had close ties and deep cooperation in military, energy and other fields. At present, the strategic partnership between the United States and India has developed in an all-round way. India and China are big developing countries in the same region. India has long seen China as its biggest competitor in Asia, raising its international profile. The realization of India's great power dream depends on undefeated competition with China. The increasingly fierce competition between China and the United States puts the two countries on the "strategic inline", while India uses the "strategic perimeter" position to contain China to some extent by developing security relations with the United States. Therefore, facing the challenges brought by the development of US-India security relations, China must make appropriate strategic choices to cope with them in order to maintain a stable surrounding environment and prolong the period of strategic opportunities for its own development. On the one hand, China should make full use of the contradictions and weaknesses of US-India relations, on the one hand, actively improve and develop relations with India, and promote the improvement of political relations with the development of economic relations; On the other hand, through the running-in and debugging of relations with the United States, the degree of mutual understanding and interdependence between China and the United States are enhanced in international affairs.
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