[Abstract]:The North Korean nuclear issue has not been resolved after more than 20 years of diplomatic efforts, but North Korea's nuclear and missile capabilities have been significantly improved. Whether the nuclear standoff persists or North Korea continues to enhance its nuclear and missile capabilities, it is not in the security interests of China and the United States. Although the interests and core concerns of China and the United States on the North Korean nuclear issue are different and the policy preferences for dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue are different, seeking for assimilation and maintaining stability in Northeast Asia should be the common goal pursued by the two countries. The two countries should work together to manage the North Korean nuclear crisis before the North Korean nuclear issue deteriorates, through which a basic consensus can be reached on a final settlement model and a final solution to the North Korean nuclear issue. It is necessary for China and the United States to try new policy ideas, which will also help to build a new type of great power relationship. New policy ideas should include, at least, improving North Korea's external security environment, supporting North Korea's "soft landing" and promoting regime transition rather than regime change or regime collapse.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院美国研究所;
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