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发布时间:2019-02-15 02:52
[Abstract]:The League of Nations, the first permanent international organization of sovereign States in the world established by mankind after an unprecedented "war", is a major victor in accordance with the development of the times and their own needs, On the basis of absorbing the mechanism of European coordination and other international organizations, the representative of the international order established for the maintenance of postwar world peace. The discussion on the establishment of the League of Nations mainly took place between the United Kingdom and the United States. In the end, the League of Nations established the postwar international order on the basis of the Covenant of the League of Nations as the main basis of international law and from the two aspects of organization, organization and function. However, the League of Nations Covenant has huge loopholes and serious problems in the decision-making mechanisms of maintaining peace, maintaining collective security and stopping war; the League of Nations has very limited powers; The prevailing power politics of great powers has made the post-war international order established by the victorious countries through the League of Nations incomplete, and has not made due contributions to safeguarding world peace, but has objectively contributed to the aggression. The outbreak of World War II marked the complete collapse of the international order represented by the League of Nations.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学历史学院;


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