[Abstract]:The "New Silk Road" strategy is the main strategic plan of the United States for Afghanistan and Central Asia after 2014, inheriting and following the Central Asian strategy of successive United States governments, and hiding behind it the enormous geopolitical goals and interests of the United States in the Central Asian region. That is, excluding the influence of Russia, China and Iran in the Central Asian region, will lead the Central Asian countries to South Asia. " After the "New Silk Road" strategy was put forward, the United States began to implement the strategy and made some progress. However, due to the poor security situation in Afghanistan and financing, competition among regional countries, the contradictions of the United States regional strategy itself and the sources of gas, and so on. America's "New Silk Road" strategy is still full of uncertainty and its prospects are uncertain.
【作者单位】: 新疆社会科学院中亚研究所;
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