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发布时间:2019-04-21 19:22
【摘要】:中哈两国政治关系良好、经济交往密切,在充分发挥地缘等多方面优势的基础上,十几年的油气合作已取得优异成果,,两国将进一步开展能源合作。因此,本文的选题目的旨在中哈两国建立全面战略合作伙伴关系这一时代背景下,通过建构中哈能源合作法律模式来促进和保障两国间的能源合作,从而推进两国经济贸易合作的深入发展,这样不仅符合两国的利益,也有利于将两国能源利益最大化。 本文采用实证研究、对比分析和归纳总结等方法,综合运用法学、政治学、经济学以及地缘学说等相关知识,在国际能源合作的基础理论下,以现有的国际能源合作模式为借鉴,在中哈两国相关能源法律制度和具体合作实践的基础上,综合研究中哈两国现有的能源合作,以法律制度为视角对构建中哈双边能源合作法律模式进行全面、系统、深入的分析研究,大胆设想中哈两国达成能源合作基本协议,确立能源合作专门机构以及能源合作的范围、方向、程度,建立健全相关法律机制,进而构建一套适用于中哈双边能源合作的法律模式。
[Abstract]:China and Kazakhstan have good political relations and close economic exchanges. On the basis of giving full play to their geographical advantages, the oil and gas cooperation in the past ten years has achieved excellent results, and the two countries will further carry out energy cooperation. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to promote and safeguard the energy cooperation between the two countries by constructing the legal model of Sino-Kazakh energy cooperation under the background of establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Kazakhstan. In order to promote the further development of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, this is not only in the interests of the two countries, but also conducive to maximizing the energy interests of the two countries. Based on the basic theory of international energy cooperation, this paper adopts the methods of empirical research, comparative analysis and inductive summary, and makes use of the relevant knowledge of law, political science, economics and geo-theory. Taking the existing international energy cooperation model as a reference, on the basis of the relevant energy legal system and concrete cooperation practice between China and Kazakhstan, this paper comprehensively studies the existing energy cooperation between China and Kazakhstan. From the perspective of the legal system, this paper makes a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis of the legal model of bilateral energy cooperation between China and Kazakhstan, and boldly envisages that China and Kazakhstan have reached a basic agreement on energy cooperation. To establish the specialized agencies of energy cooperation and the scope, direction and degree of energy cooperation, to establish and improve the relevant legal mechanism, and then to construct a set of legal models applicable to bilateral energy cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.


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