[Abstract]:On March 27, 2009, the Obama administration officially announced a new Afghanistan-Pakistan counter-terrorism strategy for the first time. This paper mainly makes a preliminary analysis of the Obama administration's new strategy of "Afghanistan" in four aspects: the background, causes, contents and new ideas of the new strategy against terrorism, and its analysis and analysis of its gains and losses. This paper holds that the background of the introduction of the new strategy includes both international and domestic factors, among which the "strategic contraction" of the global strategy of the United States, the recovery of the damaged international image and the change of attitude of the American people and allies are the internal reasons for the introduction of the new strategy. The continuous deterioration of the anti-terrorism situation in Abba is its objective external cause, and the joint promotion of internal and external causes has promoted the introduction of the new strategy. And the content of the new strategy is mainly aimed at Afghanistan and Pakistan, mainly the United States to the two countries to use the "two-track" strategy and carrot and stick policy, but the use of the new strategy is different from the past, which also contains new ideas. Such as the realization of Abba anti-terrorism integration and reduce the target, and so on. The analysis of the new strategy is mainly based on the essence of its restoration of American leadership and its influence on the international pattern. The new strategy has a great impact on South Asia, the Middle East and Central Asia. In addition, the implementation of the new strategy is not smooth sailing, it is also facing severe challenges, mainly from the United States and Afghanistan, the United States and Pakistan, international and regional cooperation and the new counter-terrorism strategy its own problems. In addition, the success of the new strategy is based on a series of assumptions. Finally, through the analysis of these assumptions one by one, the paper forecasts the prospect of the new strategy: the prospect of the new strategy is bleak, and it is only likely to achieve limited success and evolve into Obama's "exit strategy." Focus on the rise of emerging powers.
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