[Abstract]:In recent years, the relationship between China and Central Asian countries is getting closer and closer, and China's influence in Central Asia is also increasing. This change is not achieved by intimidation and deterrence, but through China's growing soft power. Taking Central Asia as the stage, China has shown its soft power and charm from the aspects of aid, diplomacy, foreign trade and investment, mechanism construction, free trade area construction, non-traditional security cooperation, education, exchange of foreign students, promotion of Chinese culture and so on. When these are recognized by Central Asian countries and China's policies and practices are understood and supported, China's soft power in Central Asia is enhanced. The promotion of China's soft power in Central Asia has further strengthened the relationship between the two, ensuring the common security of China and Central Asian countries. The first part of this paper focuses on the related contents of soft power theory (the concept, composition, function of soft power and its relationship with hard power) and the soft power resources that China already has at present. The second part gives a comprehensive account of the specific ways in which China uses soft power in Central Asia. This includes the rise of Chinese fever and the rise of Chinese cultural fever, assistance activities in the fields of energy and transportation, and so on. The third part analyzes the resistance of China's soft power to further play its role in Central Asia and its own shortcomings (the development of Confucius Institutes is in a dilemma, and the three forces are destroyed. The negative influence of individuals on national soft power and the concrete measures to enhance China's soft power in Central Asia, including enhancing the position of Xinjiang in the exchanges between China and Central Asian countries, expanding the role of Chinese non-governmental organizations, and so on.
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