[Abstract]:In recent years, there are a lot of analysis and discussion on the rise of China, especially the economic and military modernization in the field of contemporary international relations. In particular, China has made significant achievements in the economy and has achieved growth in the military power. In other words, China's "hard power" is increasing. At the same time, we also see that, whether in South-East Asia or the world, as an important component of China's power, the "soft power" 's remarkable growth. Dialectical view of China's threat theory, it is valuable to study how China can deal with these political challenges in the process of achieving its great country's aspirations. Therefore, the present study uses a qualitative case analysis "China's soft power strategy in Southeast Asia in 1997 _ 2007". The aim is to study the strategy of China's soft power and to develop a wise political platform for Vietnam. This study focused on China's soft power strategy in Southeast Asia during the past decade, especially the Asian financial crisis (1996-1997). The subject of this paper is how China can enhance its soft power in South-East Asia while maintaining or even enhancing its strength in this area It is true that the essential goal of promoting soft power is to reduce the impact of the relevant state on China's rapid military modernization in the region As one of the countries in the region, Vietnam and other South-East Asian countries will do what to do to China's soft power The purpose of this theme is to further reveal the concept of soft power in international relations, the practice of China's soft power in South-East Asia, and how it affects Vietnam. Regional countries. At the same time, understand the concept of soft power in international relations; comprehensively analyze the implementation activities of China's soft power in Southeast Asia from 1997 to 2007; review the impact of the strategic deployment of China's soft power and address the general actions for Southeast Asia, especially the more The present study also draws on Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the discussion of the Communist Party of China, the thought of Ho Chi Minh, and the co-operation with Viet Nam. The paper also adopts the research theory of the modern world political scholars, such as the subject and the deployment of the targeted research method, the specific historical method and the data analysis method used in the dialectical materialism and the historical only The history of materialism. The research topics include the view of soft power and the deployment of China through soft power in South-East Asia. This is a relatively new concept, which is only applicable to the construction of a series of basic theories on soft power over the last 10 years, and this study will pay special attention to China's soft power in Southeast Asia The results of the deployment, while addressing China's soft power in South-East Asia, also called for a rethinking of China's efforts The reason behind it is, first of all, the strength of the economy and China's desire to become a sustainable So in the past decade, in order to ease the fears of the "China threat theory", China has made a policy adjustment to improve the image in the region and to demonstrate shared responsibility and sharing in the resolution of regional issues As China's hard power, especially the growth of military force in Southeast Asia, the strategic development of soft power has brought to China Great success. China is" soft power " trunk > to affect South-East Asia. The potential Chinese "soft power" is very strong, and it is said that in a long time, it was
"take root" u "nk> in South-East Asia. Confucianism, as the theory of Chinese social and political elite in the feudal times, is in the southeast." Asia also has a great impact. Today, the high-speed growth of China's economy has made it The country is more attractive. At the same time, China's economic wealth is a cultural communication. To create favorable conditions. In the case of some scholars, in Southeast Asia, in the past or present, China is used as a means of supporting soft power as a means of supporting soft power. The relationship between China and the neighboring countries, which is regarded as an important part of China The strategic choice that is taken into account. But for the concerns of its neighbours, China's high Speed development is not a good thing. In order to appease sensitive neighbors, China has put forward the "the development of peace" theory, stressing that China's development is not going to be China has made any threat. China's soft power has set up its sustainable status and power in Southeast Asia and has become its future in the world The important basis of the process is that, in the contemporary world order, it is necessary for China to eliminate the influence of the China threat theory and create its own prosperity and development
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