[Abstract]:Starting with Wallerstein's world system theory, this paper discusses the origin of the world system theory and the development of the world system itself, and finds out the crisis arising from the development of the world system. Wallerstein is a famous historian in the world and a representative of the theoretical school of international relations. But little is known that Wolestan is also a famous representative of Western Marxism. His anti-system movement and the modern world system are the development of Marxism. The theory of world system originates from Marxism, yearbook school and development theory. The crisis arising from the development of the world system up to now includes the aggravation of the inequality of division of labor, the cyclical decline of hegemonic countries and the prominence of ideological struggle. The struggle of ideology mainly includes the opposition between universality and racism, the opposition of class consciousness and the crisis of liberalism. These crises objectively created conditions for the emergence and development of the anti-system movement. The development of the world system has also gone through five stages, and now it is in an era of crisis. It is through the analysis of the world system that the author obtains the definition of the concept of anti-system movement. The anti-system movement has gone through three stages, namely, the traditional anti-system movement and the new anti-system movement after the 1968 world revolution. The traditional anti-system movement includes social movement and national movement, and they share common characteristics in the debate on revolutionary and state-oriented issues. In the process of the traditional anti-system movement, the new left is also constantly reflecting, and completed the reform of the anti-system movement in 1968. The 1968 world revolution was an important turning point. Since then, the anti-system movement has new contents, including various Maoist movements, the new left movement, the movement of international organizations, the World Social Forum, and so on. These anti-system movements have opened up new forms and opened up new ideas. However, due to internal and external reasons, these anti-system movements encounter new difficulties in the process of development. In order to solve these difficulties, in addition to theoretical correction, but also in practice to carry out strategic adjustment. These adjustments are not only helpful to the anti-system movement itself, but also to what Wallerstein says is a great encouragement and help to build a new world system. In a word, the emergence of the theory of anti-system movement and its own development process are not only the result of the development of the world system, but also contain Wallerstein's profound humanistic care for human beings. The solution to the dilemma of anti-system movement is also the solution to the dilemma of human liberation and development.
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