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发布时间:2019-07-07 21:32
[Abstract]:New media refers to social networks that rely on Internet technology. The Obama administration summed up the overall diplomatic mistakes of the Bush administration and its diplomatic experience in the field of new media. Combined with the mastery of new media technology during the 2008 presidential election, and supported by the concept of "skillful strength," the Obama administration formed a new media diplomacy with Obama characteristics, that is, in the information age, the United States carried out foreign exchanges in order to safeguard and develop its own interests and make use of social networks and other technologies. Foreign propaganda and diplomatic participation and other activities. After the formation of new media diplomacy, the Obama administration has made a series of adjustments to foreign policy, including not only the establishment of corresponding diplomatic institutions and corresponding personnel, but also the two-track and progressive approach to the new media diplomacy of the US government, that is, on the one hand, the US government directly carries out the activities of new media diplomacy, on the other hand, it cooperates with non-governmental organizations, high-tech companies and foreign anti-government forces. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have made various speeches on various occasions to support the new media diplomatic strategy, as reflected in the "revolution" in Moldova in 2009, the presidential election in Iran, and the political turmoil in West Asia and North Africa from the end of 2010 to the first half of 2011. The diplomatic practice of new media in the United States has made some achievements, at the same time, it has also shown the following characteristics: the characteristics of institutionalization and institutionalization, the characteristics of cooperation between government and pluralistic forces, the characteristics of the combination of openness and concealment of government identity, and the characteristics of practice, perfection, re-practice and further improvement. But at the same time, American new media diplomacy is also subject to some restrictions, such as limited scope of application and so on. The essence of American new media diplomacy is to strive for the dominant power of information space in the information age with the help of the absolute advantages of the United States in technology, to suppress dissent countries, to maintain the dominant situation of the United States, and to safeguard the national interests of the United States. The negative influence of American new media diplomacy is becoming more and more obvious, and the future fate is worth paying attention to.


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