本文关键词: 英国革命 内战 汉普郡 议会党 保王党 出处:《南京大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:17世纪的英国革命,是英国历史和世界历史上的一件重大事件。而自从1642年的内战爆发以来,英国各郡都卷入到内战的大浪潮当中。对于汉普郡来说,由于它拥有许多有利的战略条件,它成为内战时期议会和国王之间争夺最激烈的地方郡之一。它拥有古代王朝的首都—温切斯特,并拥有了海军基地朴次茅斯和南安普敦等港口城市。因此,哪一方控制了它,就意味着哪一方在冲突中占据了主导地位。 本文主要阐述汉普郡的内战史的整个过程,试图在阐述过程中总结出它所具有的独特特点来。全文共分五章。 第一章主要阐述内战爆发前夕汉普郡的总体概况。在经济上,与中世纪相比,17世纪早期的汉普郡经济发展速度不是很快,它呈现出多样化的特点。农业仍然保持传统的农业耕作模式;在工商业领域,主要工业部门呢绒业已经衰落,其它行业则有一定程度上的发展,对外贸易衰落,内陆的集市贸易得到发展。在政治上,汉普郡的政治和社会结构呈现出复杂性的特点,在汉普郡,一些城镇享有自治权,但它仍是一个统一的行政单位。在文化上,出现了一些新的景象。清教运动出现并得到了拓展;乡绅出现了资产阶级化的思想;民众反王室倾向加强。 第二章主要阐述了在内战开始阶段的汉普郡的总体格局。在汉普郡,形成了保王党和议会党。保王党人以温切斯特的候爵约翰·保利特为首,议会党人则以威廉·沃勒将军为首。他们公开宣称所支持的一方。议会党控制了海军丛地朴次茅斯和怀特岛,取得了初步的胜利。 第三章主要研究了在内战交织阶段汉普郡的内战发展总体状况。议会军和王军对汉普郡的许多具有战略地位的地区展开争夺。在这一阶段,由于各种因素,议会军暂时受挫。温切斯特不时易主。议会军二次围攻贝辛府邸失败。而由议会所控制的南安普敦和怀特岛也受到王党的威胁。 第四章主要阐述在内战转折阶段汉普郡内战形势的变化。议会军取得了切里顿战役的决定性胜利,从防御转为进攻。克伦威尔和新模范军的出现,使得在汉普郡的王军势力几乎尽失,温切斯特和贝辛府邸最终投降给议会。同时,在这个时期,由于战争带来了沉重的负担,出现了“棒民”运动。 第五章主要考察了内战结束阶段汉普郡的形势变化。当第一次内战结束时,在汉普郡已经没有爆发更大的政治冲突。然而,当国王查理一世在在1647年叛逃到怀特岛时,这时国内的主要政治焦点转移到汉普郡的怀特岛。支持他的保王党人曾多次计划营救他的阴谋都被议会所识破,最终国王查理一世的逃跑计划都失败,并被送上断头台。同时,内战对汉普郡产生了很大的影响。 结语是对汉普郡的内战史进行总结。在内战时期,汉普郡成为双方激烈争夺的目标。但是在当地并没有形成一个具有极强凝聚力的政治派别。这样,在汉普郡就难以形成一个非常团结的团体,同时,在如此激烈争夺状态下的汉普郡,中立主义显得非常薄弱。
[Abstract]:The English Revolution of seventeenth Century, is a major event in British history and the history of the world. Since 1642 the outbreak of the civil war, the British county was involved in the tide of the civil war. For Hampshire, because it has many favorable strategic conditions, it become a civil war between Parliament and the king for one of the most fierce the local county. It has the ancient capital of Winchester, and has a naval base in Portsmouth and Southampton port city. Therefore, which control it means which side in the conflict to occupy the dominant position.
This paper mainly describes the whole process of Hampshire's civil war history, tried in the elaboration process summed up the unique characteristic. This paper consists of five chapters.
The first chapter mainly expounds the general situation on the eve of the outbreak of the civil war in Hampshire. In the economy, compared with the middle age of the early seventeenth Century, Hampshire economic development speed is not fast, it presents the characteristics of diversification. Agriculture remains the traditional farming mode; in the field of Commerce and industry, the main industrial sectors woolen industry has declined, other industries there is a certain degree of development, the decline of foreign trade, inland market trade development. In politics, Hampshire's political and social structure showing the characteristics of complex, in Hampshire, some towns autonomy, but it is still a unified administrative unit. In culture, there are some new sights. The Puritan movement and has been expanded; the squire appeared in bourgeois ideology; people tend to strengthen anti Royal.
The second chapter mainly elaborates the overall pattern of the start stage of Hampshire in the civil war. In Hampshire, the formation of the royalist and parliamentary party. The Tories to the Marquis of Winchester John Paulette for the first parliamentary party, others in the William led by general Waller. They declared support for parliamentary party party. Control of the navy of Portsmouth and Isle Of Wight cluster, has achieved initial success.
The third chapter mainly studies the stage of Hampshire's civil war in the civil war intertwined development general situation. In the Parliament and Wang Jun to Hampshire in many areas of the strategic position of the battle. At this stage, due to various factors, the parliamentarian army suffered a temporary setback. From time to time change. In the two Parliament of Winchester siege by basing mansion Council control failure. Southampton and Isle Of Wight have also been king party threat.
The fourth chapter mainly elaborates the changes in the turning point of the civil war in Hampshire civil war situation. The parliamentarian army won a decisive victory in the battle of Cheriton, from the defensive to the offensive. Cromwell and the new model army, made in Hampshire Wang Jun who almost lost, Winchester and eventually surrendered to the Parliament house Bei Xin. At the same time, in this period, because the war brought a heavy burden, the emergence of the "good people" movement.
The fifth chapter mainly inspects the situation changes the end of the civil war in Hampshire. When the first phase of the end of the civil war in Hampshire has no political conflicts more. However, when King Charlie Thi in 1647 defected to Isle Of Wight, then the main political focus of domestic transfer to Hampshire Isle Of Wight. His Tories have repeatedly his plan to rescue the conspiracy was seen through Parliament, eventually king Charlie Thi's escape plan failed, and was sent to the guillotine. At the same time, the civil war had a great impact on Hampshire.
The conclusion is to summarize. The history of the civil war in Hampshire during the civil war, Hampshire became a hard fought goal. But in the local does not form a strong cohesive political factions. So, in Hampshire it is difficult to form a very united group, at the same time, in such a fierce competition under the state of Hampshire, neutral doctrine is very weak.
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