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发布时间:2018-01-21 00:15

  本文关键词: 墨西哥 绿色革命 农业现代化 社会结构变化 出处:《南开大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:绿色革命是两方发达国家对发展中国家农业现代化之路的特有称谓。绿色革命代表了一种新的农业技术革新,核心内容是高产杂交品种的推广,倾向于增加农业生产中资本的集约度,实际上是对传统农业进行改造的过程。19世纪末到20世纪,共发生了四次重大的农业变革,但无论是深度还是广度,以及产生的政治经济和社会影响,绿色革命都是迄今为止影响最为广泛和深远的一次。墨西哥是绿色革命的发源地,故本文以墨西哥为个案研究,探究绿色革命在墨西哥农业发展中的作用及其影响并作出评价。 绿色革命起源于墨西哥农业部和洛克菲勒基金会的合作。1943年成立的特别研究办公室标志着绿色革命的启动。墨西哥农业计划的启动是洛克菲勒基金会的首次海外农业援助项目,旨在通过培育高产农作物品种来促进墨西哥粮食增产。该计划的提出与20世纪三四十年代美国的地缘政治以及墨西哥特殊的政治经济背景有关,既有来自墨西哥内部的推力,又有来自洛克菲勒基金会和美国的外在拉力。从20世纪40年代开始,墨西哥农业开始沿着绿色革命的道路向前迈进,绿色革命在相当长的时间里成为墨西哥农业现代化道路的主要模式。换句话说,墨西哥农业现代化之路就是绿色革命之路。 在绿色革命推广的最初阶段,墨西哥政府侧重于发展资本主义私人农业。20世纪五六十年代,绿色革命在黑西哥取得了最初的胜利,,墨西哥不但实现了粮食自给,还能少许出口。在农业发展的基础上,墨西哥经济快速发展,这一成就被世人称为“墨西哥经济奇迹”。墨西哥被视为农业发展成功的范例,其他发展中国家也开始纷纷推广绿色革命。但从20世纪60年代中期起,绿色革命却遭遇了发展的困境,墨西哥农业已经处于停滞状态,最明显的表现是墨西哥国内粮食供给严重不足,许多重要的粮食重新需要大量进口。为应对农业危机,从20世纪60年代后期起,墨西哥政府对绿色革命战略做了调整,农业发展的重点由资本主义私人农业转向了村社等落后的生产地区和单位。这种发展模式被称为“小”绿色革命.可以说,绿色革命在墨西哥的发展经历了从“大”绿色革命向“小”绿色革命的转变。 1982年,由于墨西哥爆发债务危机,绿色革命已基本停止。近40年的时间,绿色革命在墨西哥产生了非常广泛的影响。绿色革命推动墨西哥实现了从传统农业向现代农业的转型,但在转型过程中却产生了许多负面效应。农业发展呈现出不平衡的状态,二元结构更为加剧。农村中贫富差距扩大,社会阶级结构也发生了变化,这些都对墨西哥的政治发展产生了影响。同时,绿色革命也使城乡之间的关系发生了变化。最后本文的结论是,绿色革命是发展中国家农业现代化的有效道路之一,应值得肯定。但绿色革命在墨西哥产生的诸多问题,本身不在于绿色革命,直接原因是墨西哥政府不当的经济发展战略及农业政策,根源在于墨西哥固有的政治经济结构。
[Abstract]:Green Revolution is the unique title of the two - party developed countries to the agricultural modernization of developing countries . The Green Revolution represents a new agricultural technology innovation . The core content is the extension of high - yield hybrid varieties , which tends to increase the level of capital in agricultural production . In fact , there have been four major changes in agriculture . In the end of the 19th century and the 20th century , there have been four major changes in agriculture . The Green Revolution originated from the collaboration of the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and the Rocky Foundation . The Special Research Office , established in 1943 , marked the start of the Green Revolution . The Mexican agricultural plan was launched as the first overseas agricultural assistance project of the Rocky Foundation , aimed at promoting grain production in Mexico by fostering a high - yield crop variety . The plan was designed to move forward along the path of the Green Revolution by fostering high - yield crop varieties . The Green Revolution , which began in the 1940s , became the main mode of modern agricultural modernization in Mexico . In other words , the road to agricultural modernization in Mexico is the road of green revolution . In the initial stage of the Green Revolution , the Mexican government focused on the development of capitalist private agriculture . In the 1950s and 1960s , the Green Revolution achieved its first victory in Heishiro . Mexico has been regarded as the " Mexican economic miracle " . In the middle of the 1960s , Mexico ' s economy has been in a standstill , and Mexico ' s agriculture has been in a standstill . In order to deal with the agricultural crisis , Mexico ' s agricultural development has shifted from capitalist private agriculture to backward production areas and units , such as village societies . This pattern of development is called the " small " green revolution . It can be said that the green revolution has undergone a shift from the " big " green revolution to " small " green revolution in mexico . In 1982 , because of the debt crisis in Mexico , the Green Revolution had basically stopped . In recent 40 years , the Green Revolution had produced a very broad influence in Mexico . The Green Revolution promoted Mexico to realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture , but it had produced many negative effects in the process of transformation . The conclusion is that the green revolution is one of the effective ways of agricultural modernization in developing countries . The conclusion is that the green revolution is one of the effective ways of agricultural modernization in developing countries . At the same time , the green revolution is not the green revolution . The direct reason is the improper economic development strategy and agricultural policy of the Mexican government , which is the inherent political and economic structure of Mexico .



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