发布时间:2018-01-22 12:43
本文关键词: 日本战争赔偿 赔偿外交 旧金山和约 远东委员会 出处:《东北师范大学》2003年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 日本战争赔偿作为战后处理中一个非常重要的问题,,一直受到各国政府和社会各方的关注,也是学界研究一大热门课题。在充分借鉴和分析前人研究成果的基础上,本文在研究视角上取多边模式,以日本战争赔偿为中心,对远东委员会各个成员国的对日赔偿政策及日本的战争赔偿对策作多维度的分析,不但关注美国、中国、苏联等大国,也极力探究菲律宾、澳大利亚等远东委员会中的中小国家在日本赔偿中的地位和作用,以求对该问题作全方位的综合研究。本文在史料的征引上将充分利用相关当事国的文献史料和研究著述,并加以比照,力图实现史料来源的多元化。在研究方法上,除了传统史学的考证方法外,本文还将采用比较研究的方法。 全文由绪论、下文和参考文献三部分组成。绪论就国内外学术界50多年来对日本战争赔偿问题的研究状况做一学术史的回顾,并提出本文的研究方法、资料特征、学术价值和现实意义。 正文分五章。第一章详细阐述了战时美国、中国的对日政策,特别是对日赔偿政策的制订过程。 第二章论述战后初期美国主导下的拆迁赔偿。由于苏联在日本赔偿问题上挑起的“战利品问题”之争,远东委员会各国在日本赔偿问题上展开了多边博弈,加之日本为缩减赔偿而积极寻求美国的支持,这些因素成为赔偿问题迅速解决的障碍。随着美国转变对日政策,拆迁赔偿于1949年5月被终止。 第三章论述美国在推行片面对日媾和的过程中,与盟国展开关于日本赔偿问题的双边磋商。美国通过杜勒斯-莫理逊谅解、澳新美条约换取英联邦国家支持对日和约。对于顽强坚持对日索赔的菲律宾,美国则以劳务赔偿的条款加以笼络。对于对日媾和磋商中出现的中国代表权问题,则由台湾当局和中国大陆分别与美、苏进行对日和约的双边磋商,双方均以争取代表中国出席和会为首要目标,遂使赔偿问题在中国对日政策中渐趋边缘化。追随美国片面媾和政策的日本则通 过日美双边磋商对和约的条款施加影响。在旧金山和会上,劳务赔偿 的条款得到确认。 第四章论述旧金山和会后日本主导下的赔偿交涉。首先在美国的 斡旋下,台湾当局以放弃赔偿为代价签订了日台和约。接着在美R共 同开发东南亚政策的指引下,日本与菲律宾等东南亚国家通过双边磋 商解决了赔偿问题,R本以战争赔偿为契机实施经济外交,成功地开 辟了东南亚市场。 第五章采用比较的方法,从两个角度继续探讨日本赔偿问题。一 是从盟国对德、R、意三国战后处理的角度出发,通过比较德、意。 日三国的战争赔偿模式以说明日本战争赔偿的特殊性;二是从个案分 祈的角度出发,比较菲律宾与中国备自的对日索赔实践,以说明中国 放弃赔偿的复杂性。 第六章是结束语,对H本战争赔偿问题作一概述。 参考文献部分则罗列出本文征引的中、英、日文文献论著。参考 的工联网址、相关的硕(博)士论文。
[Abstract]:As one of the Japanese war compensation processing is a very important issue, has been the national government and the parties concerned, is also a hot topic of academic research. On the basis of referencing and Analysis on the results of previous studies, this paper takes the multilateral mode in the research perspective, the Japanese war compensation as the Center for analysis the dimension of war compensation countermeasure to the compensation policy on all Member States of the Commission on the Far East and Japan, not only pay attention to the United States, Chinese, the Soviet Union and other major powers, to explore Philippines, status and role of small and medium-sized countries Australia and Far East Committee in Japan in the compensation, in order to make a full range of comprehensive study of the problem. This paper in the citation of historical materials make full use of the relevant parties of historical literature and the research works, and to contrast, diversified sources. In trying to achieve the research methods, in addition to In addition, the method of comparative study is also adopted in this paper.
The full text is composed of three parts, namely, the introduction, the following and the references. The introduction makes a review of the academic history of the research on the war compensation in Japan for more than 50 years at home and abroad, and puts forward the research methods, data characteristics, academic value and practical significance of this article.
The text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter elaborates on the United States in wartime, China's policy on Japan, especially the process of formulating the policy of Japanese compensation.
The second chapter discusses the early post-war compensation for the demolition of the United States under the auspices of the Soviet Union. In Japan the issue of compensation to "loot problem", the Far East Council countries launched a multilateral game in Japanese compensation, coupled with Japan to reduce compensation and actively seek the support of the United States, these factors become the obstacle to solve the compensation problem quickly with. The transformation of American policy toward Japan, compensation for the demolition were terminated in May 1949.
The third chapter discusses the United States in the implementation of the peace process, launched on Japan for bilateral consultations with the allies. The United States by Dulles Morrison understanding, in exchange for the ANZUS treaty Commonwealth countries to support the Treaty of Philippines. For the persistence of claims against Japan, the United States to labor compensation clauses to win. For the Chinese representation problems on peace negotiations, by the Taiwan authorities and Chinese respectively, and the United States, Su of the peace treaty with Japan bilateral consultations, both sides to fight on behalf of Chinese and will attend for the first goal, then the issue of compensation in Chinese of becoming marginalized on policy. Following the United States one-sided peace the policy of Japan.
Bilateral negotiations between Japan and the United States exert influence on the terms of the peace treaty. In San Francisco and the conference, labor compensation
The terms are confirmed.
The fourth chapter deals with the settlement of compensation under the leadership of San Francisco and Japan after the meeting. First in the United States
Under the good offices, the Taiwan authorities signed the Japanese taiwan peace treaty at the cost of giving up compensation.
With the development of Southeast Asia Policy under the guidance of Japan and Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries through bilateral consultations
The merchant has solved the problem of compensation. R has implemented economic diplomacy with the opportunity of war compensation.
The Southeast Asian market was opened.
The fifth chapter uses a comparative method to continue to discuss the problem of Japanese compensation from two angles.
From the point of view of the allied countries' post-war treatment of Germany, R, and Italy, by comparing Germany and Italy.
The war compensation model in Japan and Japan shows the particularity of the Japanese war compensation; two is the case of the war.
From the point of view of praying, we compare the practice of Philippines and China's claims against Japan in order to explain China
Give up the complexity of the compensation.
The sixth chapter is the concluding remarks, and an overview of the issue of H's war compensation.
The reference part lists the citation in English, Japanese literature works.
The web site of the Federation of workers' Union (FTU), related (Bo) papers.
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