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  本文关键词: 巴格达铁路 奥斯曼帝国 德国 德意志银行 出处:《西北大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 德国与奥斯曼帝国之间的交往和关系,集中表现在巴格达铁路的修筑上。巴格达铁路的修筑过程成为反映德奥关系的“晴雨表”。 铁路问题从提出到第一次世界大战结束大致可划分为四个阶段: 第一阶段(1888年之前):两国开始初步的接触后,奥斯曼帝国开始了其铁路建设,铁路问题从无到有。 第二阶段(1888—1908):在威廉二世皇帝对外扩张政策的背景下,在哈米德素丹的支持下,德国与奥斯曼帝国的经济政治关系快速进入全面合作期,铁路问题最终在1903年签署了官方的协议并取得初步进展。 第三阶段(1908一1914):奥斯曼帝国发生革命,青年土耳其党人执政,国内政局不稳,从而导致德奥关系出现波折,最终亲德派占上风。1911年两国签署了新的铁路协议,铁路继续进展。 第四阶段(1914—1918):第一次世界大战的四年。虽受到大战影响,但工程仍在继续进行,到1918年停战协定签署前铁路贯通至努赛宾。战争期间德国和奥斯曼帝国结盟,铁路在运输军队和物资方面发挥了作用。 通过考察史实笔者得出如下结论:巴格达铁路是德国在中东北层进行扩张的基础性手段。铁路计划的实施反映了复杂的多国博弈。通过修建这条铁路,德国和奥斯曼帝国之间的贸易额和投资额迅猛增长,德国培植了奥斯曼帝国的亲德派,德国在奥斯曼帝国的影响日益巨大。第一次世界大战爆发后,亲德派将奥斯曼帝国推向德国一方,帝国最终走向崩溃。
[Abstract]:The exchanges and relations between Germany and the Ottoman Empire focused on the construction of the Baghdad Railway, which became a barometer of the relations between Germany and Austria. The railway problem can be roughly divided into four stages, from its inception to the end of the first World War: The first stage (before 1888: after initial contact between the two countries, the Ottoman Empire began its railway construction, the railroad problem began from scratch. The second stage (1888-1908): under the background of Emperor William II's policy of foreign expansion, supported by Hamidsu Dan. Germany's economic and political relations with the Ottoman Empire quickly entered a period of full cooperation, and the railway issue finally signed an official agreement on 1903 and made initial progress. The third stage was 1908-1914: the revolution of Ottoman Empire, the ruling of Al-Turk Party and the instability of domestic political situation, which led to the twists and turns of the relations between Germany and Austria. In the end, the pro-German faction gained the upper hand. In 1911, the two countries signed a new railway agreement, and the railway continued to progress. Stage 4th 1914-1918: four years of World War I. although affected by the war, the project continues. By 1918, before the armistice was signed, the railways had been connected to Nusaibin. During the war, Germany and the Ottoman Empire allied, and railways played a role in the transport of troops and supplies. By investigating the historical facts, the author draws the following conclusions: Baghdad railway is the basic means for Germany to expand in the middle and northeast. The implementation of the railway plan reflects the complex multi-national game, and through the construction of this railway. The volume of trade and investment between Germany and the Ottoman Empire increased rapidly, and Germany cultivated the pro-German faction of the Ottoman Empire, and Germany's influence in the Ottoman Empire became increasingly great. After the outbreak of the first World War. The pro-Germans pushed the Ottoman Empire to the German side and the Empire finally collapsed.


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