本文关键词: 美国男性气质 权力 美国霸权的男性气质 女性主义 美国男性同性恋 挑战 出处:《北京第二外国语学院》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 性别关系长期以来是社会学家所探究的课题,而对于女性的研究几世纪以来一直备受关注。由于父权社会赋予了男性特权,直到被压迫的群体奋起反抗,向男性权威提出挑战,男性研究才引起社会学家的兴趣。 在美国历史上,性别关系仍是由父权制决定的,各种类型的男性气质和女性气质的安排都围绕一个核心前提:男性对女性的支配,使女性处于社会底层。另外美国男性也因性向、种族、阶级的不同被划分为不同的群体,并分别有不同的表达方式。这些表达方式是按等级来安排的。在等级的顶端是霸权的男性气质,控制着社会上所有其他的男性气质和女性气质。与霸权的男性气质存在从属关系的是许多从属的男性气质和女性气质。在从属的男性气质中,最重要的是同性恋的男性气质,他们蒙受与“真正的男人”完全不同的污名,处在男性性别等级的底端。然而,当从属男性气质与霸权男性气质发生冲突时,霸权男性气质将会受到从属男性气质的冲击而产生变化。 本文旨在说明20世纪60年代后美国霸权男性气质受到的冲击。纵观美国历史,女性和男性同性恋者一直受到来自具有霸权男性气质的男性的压迫,这些霸权的男性气质的特征为白人、异性恋、中产阶级。父权制社会崇尚男性气质,女性气质被压迫,因此女性受男性主导。另一方面,同性恋男性被认为缺乏男性气质,因而同样受到歧视。从某种意义而言,美国的历史就是一部受压迫人民争取平等的斗争史。本文通过分别将美国女性气质、男性同性恋气质与美国霸权的男性气质进行比较,说明了前两者在美国历史上受到的不平等待遇,而后分析了女性与男性同性恋者如何通过争取平等而发起的运动来颠覆传统的霸权的男性气质。20世纪60年代末的权利运动影响深远,无可比拟。该运动势力大,时间久对美国霸权的男性气质造成了威胁,并在某种程度上改变了霸权的男性气质。大量女性进入了公共领域并占有一席之地,男同性恋者群体的规模及力量之大已不容忽视。为适应社会变化,霸权的男性气质的改变以及新男性的出现是大势所趋。情感交流、关注形象、做家务、照顾孩子等等成为新男性气质的一部分。可以说,在很大程度上,美国女性和男同性恋者是如今男性气质的塑造者。而60年代末的权利运动为这种改造提供了契机。 时至21世纪,美国男性将向何处发展?他们的命运会怎样?对上世纪六十年代末以来的相关变化进行分析无疑可以此略有回答。
[Abstract]:Gender relations have long been the subject of sociologists, but the study of women has been paid close attention for centuries. Because of the patriarchal society, men were privileged until the oppressed groups rose up against it. It is only by challenging the authority of men that the study of men is of interest to sociologists. In American history, gender relations are still determined by patriarchy. The arrangement of all types of masculinity and femininity revolves around one core premise: male domination over women. In addition, American men are divided into different groups because of their sexual orientation, race and class. And there are different ways of expression. These expressions are arranged according to hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy is the hegemonic masculinity. It is many subordinate masculinity and femininity that control all the other masculinity and femininity in the society. In the subordinate masculinity, there is a subordinate relationship with the hegemonic masculinity. The most important thing is the masculinity of homosexuality, which suffers from a completely different stigma from the "real man" and is at the bottom of the male gender hierarchy. However, when subordinate masculinity conflicts with hegemonic masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity will be influenced by subordinate masculinity. The purpose of this paper is to explain the impact on American hegemonic masculinity after 1960s. Throughout the history of the United States, women and gay men have been oppressed by men with hegemonic masculinity. These hegemonic masculinity is characterized by white heterosexual middle class. Patriarchal society advocates masculinity and female temperament is oppressed so that women are dominated by men. On the other hand. Gay men are considered to lack masculinity and are also discriminated against. In a sense, American history is a history of struggle for equality among oppressed people. The comparison between male homosexuality and American hegemonic masculinity shows that the former two have been treated unequally in the history of the United States. Then it analyzes how women and gay men can subvert the traditional hegemony through the movement for equality. The power movement at the end of 60s of the 20th century has far-reaching influence. Unparalleled, the movement was powerful, and for a long time it threatened the masculinity of American hegemony and, to some extent, changed the masculinity of hegemony. A large number of women entered the public domain and occupied a place. In order to adapt to the social changes, the change of hegemonic masculinity and the emergence of new men are the general trend. Emotional exchanges, attention to image, housework. Taking care of children, etc., is part of the new masculinity. To a large extent, it can be said. American women and gay men are now shaping masculinity. The rights movement at the end of 60s provided an opportunity for this transformation. By 21th century, where will American men develop? What happens to them? There is no doubt that the analysis of the related changes since the end of -40s can be given a slight answer.
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