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发布时间:2018-03-12 11:05

  本文选题:威尔士 切入点:英格兰 出处:《华东师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 11世纪初的威尔士被分割成若干个小邦国,这些小国互相征伐,战乱不断,使得威尔士长期处在分裂状态中。随着1066年的诺曼征服,诺曼人的势力也随之进入了威尔士。战争的前期,诺曼人占据了威尔士低地地区的大部,但多山地的自然地形阻碍了他们的进一步深入,而且威尔士人的抵抗也始终未曾中断过。威廉一世在英威边境上册封了边境贵族,由他们来蚕食威尔士的土地,在巩固边境的同时,却留下了威胁王权的隐患,边境贵族势力强大,在英格兰与威尔士的关系中扮演着重要的角色,甚至对英格兰本土的政治也产生巨大影响。英格兰对威尔士的征服持续了两个多世纪,直到爱德华一世时才告完成。英格兰国王、威尔士土著首领与边境贵族三者间的关系是影响这一时期政治史发展的决定性因素。因此,本文将基于所掌握的相关原始资料、著作和论文,进行归纳和总结,将视角放在不为国内研究所重视的威尔士方面,力图以威尔士土著政权的发展为主线,厘清英格兰对威尔士军事征服的发展脉络,填补国内相关研究的空白,帮助人们对现代英国的形成有更全面的了解。 绪论部分主要包括研究意义,对国内外研究状况的梳理和总结,并简要介绍了诺曼入侵前的威尔士历史。正文部分共分三章。第一章论述了早期诺曼王朝君主的威尔士政策、边境区的设立和威尔士人的抵抗活动。第二章着重叙述了威尔士土著政权在12世纪的恢复和发展,其原因除了威尔士土著政权自身实力的强大和策略的正确外,更离不开不列颠群岛大环境的影响。第三章的重点是威尔士公国的建立与崩溃,并探讨公国最终崩溃的原因。
[Abstract]:In early 11th century, Wales was divided into small states, which were divided into small states, divided by wars and wars. With the Norman Conquest of 1066, Wales remained divided for a long time. The Normans also came to Wales. In the early days of the war, the Normans occupied the majority of the Welsh lowlands, but the mountainous natural terrain prevented them from going further. And the resistance of the Welsh people never stopped. William I canonized the border nobles on the border with Britain and Wei, and they came to encroach upon Welsh land, while consolidating the border, leaving behind the hidden danger of threatening Wang Quan. The frontier aristocrats played an important role in the relationship between England and Wales, and even had a great influence on the politics of England's native land. England's conquest of Wales lasted for more than two centuries. It was not until Edward I that the relationship between the king of England, the Welsh natives and the frontier nobles was the decisive factor influencing the development of the political history of this period. The works and papers are summarized and summarized from the angle of view of Wales which is not paid much attention to by domestic research. It tries to clarify the development of England's military conquest of Wales with the development of native Welsh government as the main line. Fill in the gaps in domestic research and help people have a more comprehensive understanding of the formation of modern Britain. The introduction part mainly includes the research significance, combs and summarizes the research situation at home and abroad, and briefly introduces the Welsh history before Norman invasion. The text is divided into three chapters. The first chapter discusses the Welsh policy of the early Norman monarch. The establishment of the border area and Welsh resistance. Chapter two focuses on the restoration and development of the Welsh Aboriginal regime in 12th century for reasons other than the strength of the Welsh Aboriginal regime and the correctness of its tactics. The third chapter focuses on the establishment and collapse of the Principality of Wales and discusses the causes of the ultimate collapse of the Principality of Wales.


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