本文选题:田中角荣政府 切入点:对华政策 出处:《吉林大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本文主要论述了田中角荣政府时期日本对华政策的成因问题。20世纪70年代,日本对华政策的转变和日中关系的恢复,对整个20世纪后半叶世界政治经济格局都产生了巨大影响。所以不论国内外对田中政府时期的对华政策都有较为深入的论述,但是大多数论述的重点都集中在中日邦交正常化问题方面,专门论述田中政府时期日本对华政策成因问题的却很少。只是在介绍中日邦交正常化过程中略有提到,而且多注重于政治因素和国际形势等方面,并没有系统的对此问题进行分析。而笔者认为“日本财界”对华政策的转变对田中政府对华政策的改变起了关键性的作用,另外不可否认的是日中领导人的个人因素在其中也起到了巨大作用。在当今中日关系处于微妙变化的时期,对田中政府对华政策系统而全面的研究,不仅有一定的学术价值,而且对试图解决当前日中所面临的困境也能有所借鉴和帮助,这也是本文写作的现实意义。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the causes of Japan's China policy during the Tanaka Kakuei administration. On 70s of the 20th century, the transformation of Japan's China policy and the restoration of Japan-China relations were discussed. It has had a great impact on the world political and economic pattern throughout the second half of 20th century. Therefore, both at home and abroad, the policy towards China during the Tanaka government period has been discussed in depth. However, most of the discussions focused on the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, and few focused on the causes of Japan's policy towards China during the Tanaka government period. Only in the course of introducing the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, it was mentioned slightly. Moreover, they pay more attention to political factors and the international situation, and do not systematically analyze this issue. However, the author believes that the transformation of the "Japanese Financial sector"'s China policy has played a key role in the change of Tanaka government's policy towards China. In addition, it is undeniable that the personal factors of the leaders of Japan and China have also played a great role. In a period of delicate changes in Sino-Japanese relations, the systematic and comprehensive study of the Tanaka government's policy towards China is not only of certain academic value. It can also be used for reference and help in trying to solve the difficulties faced by Japan and China, which is also the practical significance of this paper.
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