本文选题:斯大林的去世 切入点:政策变化 出处:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 美国总统艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)在斯大林(Stalin)去世后发表的首次公开的演讲中说“一个时代随着约瑟夫·斯大林的去世而告结束”。其言外之意是一个新的时代随之而来。斯大林去世后,苏联新领导人在对内对外政策上都进行了大刀阔斧的改革,使苏联内部和国际形势都呈现出了一个新时代的面貌。 冷战时期,美国惯于关注苏联的一切变化和动向。本文就从冷战史的角度,重点论述艾森豪威尔政府对苏联内外政策变化的评估和反应。全文主体共分三章: 第一章为“斯大林去世后苏联内外政策的变化”,这也是全文的一个铺垫。具体的变化如上所述,由此带来到冷战气氛的缓和使得很多学者认为斯大林的去世是冷战史的一个转折点。 第二章为“美国对苏联内外政策变化的评估”。本章从“前期的预测与苏联政策变化的实质”、“苏联政策变化的原因”、“苏联政策变化的可能影响”以及“未来苏联外交政策走向”四个方面论述美国对斯大林的去世和苏联政策变化的认识。 第三章为“美国的反应”。美国的评估是为其制定政策和采取行动服务的。本章列举了“艾森豪威尔发表演讲”、“艾森豪威尔政府国家安全政策的调整”以及“美国对召开日内外会议的消极态度”三件典型的事例来说明美国对苏评估对其国家政策和行动的影响。
[Abstract]:The United States President Eisenhower (Eisenhower) Stalin (Stalin) in the first public speech published after the death of said in an era ended with Joseph Stalin's death. "The implication is a new era. After the death of Stalin, the new leader of the Soviet Union have carried out reforms make snap in the domestic and foreign policies. The internal and international situation, the Soviet Union has emerged as a new era of appearance.
During the cold war period, the United States was always concerned about all the changes and trends of the Soviet Union. From the perspective of the cold war history, this article focuses on the Eisenhower administration's assessment and response to the changes of the Soviet Union's internal and external policies. The main body of the thesis is divided into three chapters.
The first chapter is "the change of the Soviet Union's internal and external policies after Stalin's death". This is also a foreshadowing for the whole paper. The concrete changes mentioned above, which brought about the mitigation of the cold war atmosphere, made many scholars believe that Stalin's death is a turning point of the cold war history.
The second chapter is "the evaluation of policy changes in Soviet Union. This chapter from the" early prediction and Soviet policy change essence "," reason "Soviet policy changes," may affect "the Soviet policy changes and" understanding of the future of Soviet foreign policy "in four aspects: the death of Stalin and the United States the Soviet Union policy changes.
The third chapter is "the reaction". American assessment is to develop policies and take action for their services. This chapter lists the "Eisenhower speech", "the Eisenhower administration's national security policy adjustment" and "the United States of the meeting held on both inside and outside the negative attitude of" three typical examples to illustrate the impact assessment the national policies and actions to sue.
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