本文选题:哥伦布 切入点:背景 出处:《浙江大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 哥伦布发现美洲,客观上对人类社会的发展具有重要意义,促进了人类由彼此孤立到相互交往,促成了“分散”的世界史向“整体”的世界史转变。由此,哥伦布成了举世闻名的航海家。自15世纪末至今500多年的时间里,世界各国众多的专家学者前赴后继地对其研究。领域涉及哥伦布生平、西航的背景、动因和目的,发现美洲的后果、影响、意义;既有经济、政治、宗教、社会、时代、历史、地理的角度,也有综合的考量分析。但是特别着意于地图学进行论述的不多,不够。而地图学背景对于哥伦布发现美洲具有不可或缺的作用。本文从地图学的角度,首先介绍分析了古希腊罗马人对地球形状及大小的看法,接着讲述了中世纪人们的看法,再论述了哥伦布同时代人这方面的观念。最后阐述了哥伦布本人对它们的认识,并试图分析这种认识的来源,以便得出地图学背景对哥伦布发现美洲具有十分重要的意义。并可以进一步说古希腊罗马的以及中世纪的地图学特点,是欧洲人开辟新航路的必要条件之一。
[Abstract]:Columbus discovered that America was objectively of great significance to the development of human society, promoted the human beings from isolation to contact with each other, contributed to the "scattered" world history to the "whole" world history. Columbus became a world-famous navigator. In the more than 500 years since the end of the 15th century, many experts and scholars from all over the world have studied Columbus's life, background, motivation and purpose of westward flight. The consequences, effects, and meanings of discovering America; economic, political, religious, social, contemporary, historical, geographical, and comprehensive considerations. Not enough. The background of cartography is indispensable to Columbus' discovery of America. From the perspective of cartography, this paper first introduces and analyzes the views of the ancient Greek and Roman peoples on the shape and size of the earth, and then describes the views of the people of the Middle Ages. Finally, it expounds Columbus' own understanding of them, and tries to analyze the source of this understanding. It is very important for Columbus to discover America in order to get the background of cartography, and it can be further said that the characteristics of cartography in ancient Greece and Rome as well as in the Middle Ages are one of the necessary conditions for Europeans to open up new routes.
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