本文选题:克林顿 切入点:媒体 出处:《四川外语学院》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 克林顿是一位集许多特质于一身的现代美国总统。他执政八年,政绩突出,然而也有许多争议。作为有政府“第四权”之称的美国媒体在克林顿总统任期内,在很大程度上影响了他的执政过程。作为政治体制中最具影响力的两股力量,总统与媒体的互动成为美国民主制度的戏剧性体现之一,因此对二者之间具体关系的检视具有重要意义。 本文通过跨学科的角度,通过大量事实材料,作者试图详细揭示克林顿总统与美国媒体的关系。作者通观克林顿执政过程,具体考察涉及了克林顿的个性、政策动议和传媒策略,媒体的倾向立场和节目风格,双方利益趋同和悖离,以及广大美国民众的反应和意见等。导言中强调了媒体在美国政治制度中的重要性,尤其是塑造影响克林顿总统任职中发挥了重要影响。第一章考察了在1992和1996年克林顿两度竞选总统时,媒体对他的当选同时造成的正面和负面的影响。第二章追溯了媒体对克林顿政府主要内政外交政策的制定和执行所发挥的积极和消极作用。克林顿总统遇到了来自政治对手的阻力,诉诸媒体来推动医疗保健改革,北美自由贸易协定签署以及发动科索沃战争。第三章讨论了媒体在莱温斯基丑闻案中的追踪揭露和敌视对抗,使克林顿陷入最严重的政治危机中。最终由于民意的支持,克林顿才免于被弹劾。作者认为,克林顿总统与媒体之间的关系是一种融合了合作与对抗的、充满张力的变动性伙伴关系。
[Abstract]:Clinton is a modern American president with many qualities.He has been in office for eight years with outstanding achievements, but there are also many controversies.The U.S. media, known as the "fourth power" of the government, largely influenced President Clinton's administration during his term of office.As the two most influential forces in the political system, the interaction between the president and the media has become one of the dramatic embodiments of American democracy, so it is of great significance to examine the concrete relationship between the two.In this paper, the author tries to reveal the relationship between President Clinton and the American media in detail, from an interdisciplinary perspective and through a great deal of factual materials.The author takes a general look at Clinton's administration, and makes a detailed investigation of Clinton's personality, policy and media strategies, the media's inclination and style of programs, the convergence and contradiction of interests between the two sides, and the reactions and opinions of the American people.The introduction emphasizes the importance of the media in the American political system, especially in shaping President Clinton's presidency.The first chapter examines the positive and negative effects of the media on Clinton's election in 1992 and 1996.The second chapter traces the positive and negative effects of the media on the formulation and implementation of the Clinton administration's main internal and foreign policies.President Clinton has encountered resistance from political opponents, turning to the media to push for health care reform, the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the start of the Kosovo war.The third chapter discusses the media in the Lewinsky scandal in the case of tracing revelations and hostile confrontation, so that Clinton into the most serious political crisis.Finally, because of the support of public opinion, Clinton was not impeached.The author believes that the relationship between President Clinton and the media is a dynamic and dynamic partnership that combines cooperation and confrontation.
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