发布时间:2018-04-02 08:24
本文选题:英国 切入点:三环外交 出处:《上海外国语大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】: 第二次世界大战对英国产生了深远的影响。战争使英国元气大伤,但却没有夺去其世界大国的梦想。然而面对美苏两个超级大国的崛起,殖民地国家要求独立的强烈呼声,以及欧洲变幻难测的严峻形势,英国不得不放弃其传统的“力量均衡”政策,并进而调整其全球战略。洞察到世界的风云变化,英国首相丘吉尔适时提出了“三环外交”的战略框架。“三环”即英帝国及联邦,美国和欧洲。“三环外交”为以后历任英国政府所遵循,但实践证明却与世界大势格格不入。英国注定要经受一次次挫折。可以说“三环”政策实际上只不过是行将沦为空壳的英帝国一厢情愿的,自我慰籍的心理罢了。 本文通过对“三环外交”系统而宏观的研究,揭示了“三环外交”的实质。本文不仅使人们能够更深入地认识英国现行外交的特点,也可帮助人们有效预测其将来走势,同时在一定程度上也弥补了国内仅仅局部探讨的不足。
[Abstract]:The second World War had a profound impact on Britain. The war hurt Britain greatly, but it did not deprive it of the dream of a world power. However, in the face of the rise of the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, the colonial countries were strongly calling for independence. As well as the unfathomable grim situation in Europe, Britain has had to abandon its traditional "balance of power" policy and then adjust its global strategy to gain insight into the changing circumstances of the world. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill put forward the strategic framework of "three Ring diplomacy". The "third Ring" is the British Empire and Union, the United States and Europe. "Three-Ring diplomacy" was followed by successive British governments. But it turns out to be out of step with the world. Britain is destined to suffer setbacks again and again. It can be said that the "three rings" policy is in fact nothing more than a wishful thinking and self-consolation of the British Empire, which is about to degenerate into an empty shell. This paper reveals the essence of "Three-Ring diplomacy" through the systematic and macroscopic study of "Three-Ring diplomacy". This paper not only enables people to understand the characteristics of Britain's current diplomacy more deeply, but also helps people to predict its future trend effectively. At the same time, to a certain extent, it also makes up for the deficiency of domestic only partial discussion.
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