本文选题:都铎王朝 切入点:贵族女性 出处:《西北师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:都铎王朝时期,贵族女性的再婚率大幅提升,她们中的一些人寡居后敢于按照自己的意愿选择再婚对象,甚至和贵族集团外的男性缔结婚约。这种有违男权社会权威和社会等级秩序的做法迎合了当时社会对个人情感主义的呼唤,改变了贵族女性一生都要成为家族利益牺牲品的形象。导致都铎时期贵族女性再婚率提升的原因复杂多样,并且和当时社会所处的历史环境息息相关;贵族女性对于再婚对象的选择也受到多种因素的影响和制约。本文旨在论述和分析都铎贵族寡居女性所处的社会环境以及在这种环境下做出的再婚选择。文章结构布局如下: 绪论部分确定了本文的研究对象和时间跨度,为英国都铎王朝时期出生于上院五级贵族家族的贵族女性。明确了都铎时期处于英国社会转型的初期阶段,贵族女性的命运也在社会变革趋势中发生转变。指出了研究这一时期贵族女性再婚状况的理论意义和现实意义。介绍了国内外史学家对这一课题的研究现状。指明了本文的主旨观点即都铎时期贵族女性已经开始意识到运用自我权利、追求人性解放。 第一章分析了导致都铎王朝时期贵族女性再婚的原因。主要从三个方面分析:社会高死亡率、贵族初婚年龄和贵族婚姻中的丑闻导致了贵族初婚不稳定;宗教改革对于婚姻看法的改变促进了贵族女性再婚;个人情感的需求促使贵族孀妇选择再婚。 第二章论述了都铎贵族女性对于再婚对象的选择以及制约其选择的因素。认为主要因素有:寡居贵族女性自我权利的运用;社会等级观念对贵族女性的束缚;贵族孀妇寡居期间获得的自由;贵族男性对贵族孀妇的追求;王室监护法庭对贵族孀妇再婚的制约。 第三章试图以个案为例叙述了都铎王朝时期贵族女性再婚的特殊状况。主要有:叛国罪与再婚;危机与再婚;爱情与再婚。 结语部分简明扼要的概括了全文,点出了本论文的主旨结论,,指出都铎贵族女性的再婚经历堪称女性行使自我权利的先驱,反应了社会转型时期人们对人性解放的渴望,对身处社会转型期的当代中国女性有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:During the Tudor dynasty, the rate of remarriage of aristocratic women increased greatly, and some of them dared to choose their remarriage objects according to their own wishes after being widowed, and even entered into marriage contracts with men outside the aristocratic group.This practice of violating the authority of patriarchal society and social hierarchy caters to the call of individual emotionalism at that time and changes the image of aristocratic women who have to be victims of family interests all their lives.The reasons that led to the increase of the rate of remarriage of aristocratic women in Tudor period were complicated and varied, and were closely related to the historical environment of the society at that time; the choice of remarriage objects of aristocratic women was also influenced and restricted by many factors.The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the social environment in which Tudor aristocrats and widowed women live and the remarriage choices made in this environment.The structure of the article is as follows:The introduction determines the research object and time span of this paper, and it is an aristocratic woman born in the upper house of the five-rank aristocrat in the Tudor dynasty.It is clear that Tudor period was in the early stage of British social transformation, and the fate of aristocratic women also changed in the trend of social change.This paper points out the theoretical and practical significance of the study on the remarriage of aristocratic women in this period.This paper introduces the present situation of research on this subject by historians at home and abroad.This paper points out that the noble women of Tudor period have begun to realize the use of their own rights and the pursuit of human liberation.The first chapter analyzes the causes of the marriage of aristocratic women during the Tudor dynasty.It is mainly analyzed from three aspects: the high social mortality rate, the first marriage age of the aristocracy and the scandal in the aristocratic marriage, which lead to the instability of the first marriage of the nobility, the change of the religious reform to the marriage view has promoted the aristocratic women to remarry;Personal emotional needs prompted the aristocratic widow to remarry.The second chapter discusses the Tudor aristocratic women's choice of remarriage objects and the factors that restrict their choice.The main factors are as follows: the application of the self-rights of the women of the widowed aristocrat; the restriction of the social class concept to the aristocratic women; the freedom obtained during the period of the aristocratic widow's widowhood; the pursuit of the aristocratic widow by the aristocratic male;The restriction of royal guardianship courts on the remarriage of aristocratic widows.The third chapter tries to illustrate the special situation of aristocratic women remarrying in Tudor Dynasty.Mainly: treason and remarriage; crisis and remarriage; love and remarriage.The conclusion briefly summarizes the full text, points out the main conclusion of this paper, points out that the Tudor aristocratic women's remarriage experience can be regarded as a pioneer of women's exercise of their own rights, and reflects the people's desire for the liberation of human nature in the period of social transformation.It has certain reference significance to the contemporary Chinese women in the social transition period.
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