本文选题:苏联 + 南斯拉夫 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:20世纪40-50年代的两次苏南冲突是东方阵营解体的发轫。两次冲突均发生在冷战这一特殊历史时期,根植于两大阵营尖锐对峙的年代,因而必然存在着许多相似之处。国际局势由对抗走向缓和、苏联内外政策的转变深嵌于两次冲突之中,且水涨船高,又使其必然内含着许多不同之处。本文将以两次冲突为坐标轴,通过透析它们的异同之处,再现云诡波谲的外交表象掩盖下的国家利益碰撞的实质。 本文首先论述了两次冲突的相同点。第一,冲突实质的相似性。在与苏联关系方面,是否具有独立性,是两次冲突最核心、最实质的争论问题。南斯拉夫主张“独立自主”,反对“阵营学说”,将能否独立自主地决定本国的内政、外交视为国家利益的最大诉求。苏联则坚持“苏联中心”,维护“阵营团结”,将以己为首的阵营视为国家利益至高无上的需求;第二,冲突根源的相似性。在国家内部发展道路上,是否“非斯大林主义”成为两次冲突的根源所在。苏联坚持维护斯大林模式,苏共二十大后虽然掀起了非斯大林化运动,但却严格限制这一运动的进程,并将其控制在斯大林体制的框架之内。南斯拉夫则坚决反对“斯大林主义”,认为它并不是什么“金科玉律”,相反,只有“适合本国国情的”才是社会主义发展的必由之路;第三,冲突表现的相似性。从斗争的范围来看,两次冲突都具有全方位性。冲突不仅局限于两党意识形态的论战,而且波及到政治、经济、军事、外交等国家关系的各个方面。 其次,本文论述了两次冲突的不同之处。第一,冲突程度的差异。第一次冲突的激烈、紧张程度明显地强于第二次冲突;第二,攻守态势的差异。冲突双方从第一次冲突的苏攻南守转变为第二次冲突的苏、南互为攻守;第三,冲突对阵营内部影响的差异。第一次冲突使社会主义阵营出现了第一次分化,第二次冲突期间所孕育的中苏分裂使得这种分化进一步加剧,最终导致了社会主义阵营的解体。 通过对两次苏南冲突的比较研究,能够帮助我们在错综复杂的国际关系中,淡化意识形态色彩而以国家利益为重;坚决反对霸权主义和强权政治;始终坚持“和平共处五项基本原则”;走一条适合本国国情的社会主义发展道路。
[Abstract]:The two Su-nan conflicts in the 40-50 s were the origin of the disintegration of the Eastern camp.Both conflicts occurred in the special historical period of the Cold War, rooted in the era of sharp confrontation between the two camps, so there must be many similarities.The international situation changed from confrontation to relaxation. The change of Soviet Union's internal and external policies was deeply embedded in the two conflicts, and the rising tide made it contain many differences.This paper will take the two conflicts as the coordinate axis and analyze their similarities and differences to reproduce the essence of the collision of national interests under the diplomatic representation of the strange cloud waves.This paper first discusses the similarities between the two conflicts.First, the similarity of the substance of the conflict.In relation to the Soviet Union, independence is the core and substance of the two conflicts.Yugoslavia stands for "independence" and opposes "camp doctrine".The Soviet Union insisted on "the center of the Soviet Union" and maintained "camp unity", which regarded the self-led camp as the supreme need for national interests; second, the similarity of the root causes of the conflict.Whether "non-Stalinism" is the root of the two conflicts on the road of development within the country.The Soviet Union insisted on maintaining the Stalin model. Although the Soviet Communist Party started a non-Stalinization movement after the 20th Congress, it strictly restricted the process of the movement and controlled it within the framework of the Stalin system.Yugoslavia firmly opposes "Stalinism" and believes that it is not a "golden rule". On the contrary, only "suitable for its own national conditions" is the only way to socialist development.In terms of the scope of the struggle, the two conflicts are all-around.The conflict is not confined to bipartisan ideological debates, but also affects political, economic, military, diplomatic and other aspects of national relations.Secondly, this paper discusses the differences between the two conflicts.First, differences in the degree of conflict.The intensity of the first conflict is obviously stronger than that of the second conflict.The two sides in the conflict changed from the first conflict of the Soviet Union to the second conflict of the Soviet Union, and the south of the two sides to each other; third, the difference of the conflict on the internal influence of the camp.The first conflict caused the first division of the socialist camp, and the division of China and the Soviet Union during the second conflict further aggravated the division, which eventually led to the disintegration of the socialist camp.Through the comparative study of the two conflicts in southern Jiangsu, we can help us in the complicated international relations, play down the ideological color and focus on national interests, resolutely oppose hegemonism and power politics;We will always adhere to the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence and follow a socialist road of development suited to our national conditions.
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