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发布时间:2018-04-13 02:12

  本文选题:地缘战略 + 心脏地带 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:1939年二战爆发前夕,欧洲的地缘政治局势为希特勒发动世界大战提供了机会。一战结束后,随着奥斯曼、哈布斯堡、罗曼诺夫和霍亨索伦四大帝国的瓦解,根据“民族自决”原则在欧洲主要大国之间出现了一批新兴小国,这些小国成为法国、德国和俄国之间的缓冲地带,这不仅缓解了德国直接被几个大国包围的巨大压力,而且德国周边的新兴小国十分惧怕德国,不敢与英法两国结成军事同盟,这有利于德国的对外扩张。 德国发动世界大战的目的在于夺取世界霸权。为此,德国采取了两个战略步骤:第一步是夺取西欧的“边缘地带”,“边缘地带”是介于大陆和海洋之间的交接部位,有沿海陆地和紧靠大陆的近海海域组成。它面对海陆两个方面,需同时与海陆两面的势力对抗。在冲突的世界里,海陆两权的对立决定了“边缘地带”必然成为它们相互争夺的区域。德国夺取西欧的“边缘地带”,目的是击败海权强国英国;第二步是进攻欧亚大陆的“心脏地带”,这个地缘政治学概念在地理特征上指的就是陆权强国俄罗斯。 在近代欧洲地缘战略格局中,处于边缘的英、俄较处于中枢地区的法、德具有更大的地缘优势。从战略态势上讲,侧翼国家可能避免两线作战,集中力量于一个方向,而处于中间位置的国家往往难以避免两线作战,不能集中力量于一个方向。 要击败英国和俄罗斯这两个主要对手,德国必须避免两线作战。由于波兰与英法两国结成军事同盟,因此,为了实现第一个战略步骤,避免两线作战,德国必须消灭波兰。接下来,德国发动了对西线的进攻,取得了一系列辉煌的胜利,但是,德国并没有使英国屈服。在这种情况下,德国贸然进攻苏联,最终陷入两线作战的境地。德国重蹈了一战失败的覆辙。 德国未能击败英国的根本原因是丧失制海权,虽然德国濒临北海和波罗的海,有发展海军的地理条件,但它位于欧洲中部,处于法国和俄国等大国之间,周边的战略环境十分恶劣,为了在夹缝中求生存,德国不得不把主要力量用于发展陆军,以抵御大国的入侵,保护本国的安全,同时采取进攻态势,先发制人,以夺取所谓的“生存空间”。但德国的经济力量毕竟是有限的,优先发展陆军势必造成海军经费的紧张,因此,德国的海军力量相对于优先发展海军的英国来说,是比较弱小的。这使得德国丧失了大西洋和地中海的制海权。而英国则凭借掌握着制海权,封锁了德国的出海口,使德国无法从海外获得某些所必需的战略物资,与此同时,英国则从广阔的殖民地和美国源源不断地获得物资补给,从而增强了英国人抵抗德国入侵的信心。 对于苏联,希特勒也未能消灭它。在苏德战争初期,德国取得了惊人的胜利,希特勒认为苏联即将崩溃,但出乎希特勒意料的是,苏联不但没有崩溃,反而抵抗愈来愈强。原因何在呢?这主要是由于掌握制海权的英国和美国向苏联提供了必要的物资援助,使得苏联在战争初期能够稳住局面,并将战争长期进行下去。
[Abstract]:On the eve of the outbreak of World War II in 1939 , the geopolitical situation in Europe provided an opportunity for Hitler to launch a world war . Following the end of the war , a number of emerging small nations emerged between major powers in Europe following the end of the war , which had been a buffer zone between France , Germany and Russia , not only to alleviate the great pressure that Germany was directly surrounded by several major Powers , but that the emerging small countries around Germany were afraid of Germany and dared not forge a military alliance with Britain and France , which was in favour of Germany ' s foreign expansion .

Germany has taken two strategic steps : the first step is to seize the " edge zone " of Western Europe , which is composed of coastal land and coastal waters close to the mainland .

In modern Europe ' s geo - strategic pattern , France and Germany , which are at the edge and are in the central region , have greater geopolitical advantages . In the strategic situation , the side - wing countries may avoid the two - line operations and focus on one direction , while those in the middle position often have difficulty in avoiding the two - line operations , and cannot concentrate the forces in one direction .

Germany has to avoid two lines of fighting to defeat the two major rivals in Britain and Russia . Germany has to eliminate Poland because of its alliance with Britain and France . Germany has won a series of brilliant victories in order to achieve the first strategic step , but Germany did not yield to Britain . In that case , Germany did not yield to Britain . In this case , Germany did not yield to the Soviet Union and finally fell into a two - line battle . Germany has taken a repeat of the failure .

Germany ' s failure to beat Britain ' s fundamental cause is to lose the right to sea , although Germany is on the verge of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea , with the development of the Navy ' s geographical conditions . The German naval power , after all , is weak . In the meantime , Germany has had to use its main force to develop the navy .

Hitler was not able to destroy it for the Soviet Union . In the early stages of the Soviet Union ' s war , Germany won a spectacular victory , and Hitler believed that the Soviet Union was about to collapse , but to Hitler ' s surprise , not only did the Soviet Union collapse , but instead , the Soviet Union provided the necessary material assistance to the Soviet Union , making it possible for the Soviet Union to stabilize the situation at the beginning of the war and to keep the war long .



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