本文选题:14世纪 + -17世纪 ; 参考:《延边大学》2005年博士论文
【摘要】:本文以迄今为止的贸易关系史研究成果为基础,着重考察十四世纪至十七世纪中叶朝、中、日三国贸易关系的来龙去脉及其基本特征。 本文由绪论、正文和结论三个部分构成。 绪论部分在进行课题说明的基础上,主要阐述了研究目的和意义、研究动态、研究内容和方法等问题。 正文第一章是东亚三国对外关系的形成与朝鲜的贸易政策部分,主要论述了东亚三国之间对外关系的形成与贸易,朝鲜前期贸易政策的本质与一般特征、朝鲜制定贸易法规的背景等。当时,中国周边国家臣服中国是弱国、小国与强国、大国之间维持平衡的基本手段,是弱小国家保持国家安全的重要一环。而且对朝鲜和日本来说,是统治者维持和巩固其统治地位的一种保障。 第二章是朝鲜对明、对日贸易的性质部分,主要论述了朝鲜对明贸易的事(?)朝贡性,朝鲜对日贸易的交邻性,特别是详细论述了倭寇的活动及其东亚三国贸易产生的重要影响。 第三章是朝鲜对明、对日贸易的形态部分,主要论述了朝鲜对明,对日贸易的形态与方法,种类以及贸易场所、通商渠道等。当时,朝鲜与明王朝之间的贸易基本上属于朝贡形式的官方贸易,私人贸易的成交量非常有限。朝鲜与日本之间的贸易以“进上-回赐”、官方贸易、私人贸易三个形态为主,此外还有不法商人进行的走私贸易。 第四章是朝鲜对明、对日贸易商品结构部分,主要论述了朝鲜对明进出口商品结构,朝鲜对日进出口商品结构等。其中,金银、牛马等都是朝鲜不得不以朝贡形式出口中国的紧缺货,备齐这些进贡品始终是朝鲜政府的沉重的负担。另外,从贸易的数量和价值来看,中国使节从朝鲜带走的比朝鲜使节从中国领回来的多得多。对当时只好以朝贡的方式尽藩属之礼仪和义务的朝鲜来说,这种不平等、不等价的贸易关系是不可避免的事情。 第九章是东亚局势的变化与通商圈的扩大部分,主要论述了对明、对日贸易给朝鲜带来的影响,逐步盛行的中介贸易,十六—十七世纪东亚局势的变化与东亚通商圈的扩大等。在以中国为中心的亚洲贸易体制下,苏木、胡椒等南亚物产
[Abstract]:Based on the research achievements in the history of trade relations so far, this paper focuses on the origin and the basic characteristics of the trade relations between Korea, China and Japan from the 14th century to the middle of the seventeenth century. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. In the introduction part, based on the description of the subject, the purpose and significance of the research, the research trends, the contents and methods of the research are discussed. The first chapter mainly discusses the formation and trade of the foreign relations among the three East Asian countries, the essence and general characteristics of the North Korea's trade policy in the early period, as well as the formation of the foreign relations between the three East Asian countries and the trade policy of the DPRK. The background of North Korea's trade laws and regulations. At that time, the basic means of maintaining balance between China's neighboring countries, small and powerful countries, and great powers was an important part of maintaining the national security of the weak and weak countries. And for North Korea and Japan, it is a guarantee for rulers to maintain and consolidate their dominance. The second chapter is the nature of the trade between Korea and the Ming Dynasty and Japan, which mainly discusses the trade between the DPRK and the Ming Dynasty. Tributary, the neighbor of Korea's trade with Japan, especially the activities of Japanese aggressors and the important influence of the trade among the three countries in East Asia are discussed in detail. The third chapter is the form part of Korea's trade with Ming and Japan, mainly discusses the form and method of Korea's trade to Ming and Japan, as well as the trade place, trade channel and so on. At the time, trade between North Korea and the Ming Dynasty was largely a tribute form of official trade, with very limited volume of private trade. The trade between North Korea and Japan mainly consists of three forms: "enter, go back", official trade, private trade, in addition to the smuggling trade carried out by illegal businessmen. The fourth chapter is the commodity structure of Korean trade to Ming Dynasty and to Japan, which mainly discusses the structure of Korean import and export commodities to Ming Dynasty, Korea's import and export structure to Japan and so on. Among them, gold, silver, cattle and horses are the tight shortage of goods that North Korea has to export to China in the form of tributes, and preparing these imported tribute has always been a heavy burden on the North Korean government. Moreover, in terms of the volume and value of trade, Chinese envoys have taken much more from North Korea than North Korean envoys from China. For North Korea, which had to pay tribute to its duties, such unequal and unequal trade relations were inevitable. The ninth chapter is the change of the situation in East Asia and the expansion of the trade circle in East Asia. It mainly discusses the influence of the trade to the Ming Dynasty, the trade with Japan on Korea, the prevailing intermediary trade, the change of the situation in East Asia from the 16th to the seventeenth century and the expansion of the East Asian trade circle, and so on. Under the Asian trading system with China as the center, the South Asian products such as Sappa, Pepper, etc.
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