发布时间:2018-04-23 03:07
本文选题:犹太复国主义 + 以色列国 ; 参考:《西北大学》2004年博士论文
【摘要】:以色列议会选举制度是在特定的历史条件下形成的,是犹太民族大流散和犹太复国主义运动的产物。2000多年的犹太民族史是一部向外分散,向内聚合的历史,流散与回归是犹太民族乐章的主旋律。在不断向外流散、回归故土的过程中,“向心”精神与“离心”活动奇妙地融为一体。经历了4次大流散后,犹太民族的分散性已渗透到犹太社会的各个层面,尤其是对犹太人的政治生活产生了深远的影响。当犹太人在“向心”力的作用下,开展犹太复国主义运动时,他们充分考虑到了犹太民族的分散性,所以在伊休夫的自治机构里采取了能够覆盖整个犹太世界、吸纳百川的比例代表制。比例代表制的实施,有力地推动了犹太复国主义运动的蓬勃发展,同时也促进了伊休夫多党并存局面的形成。建国后,多党制的既成事实则成为以色列议会采取比例代表制度的主要根源。 以色列实行西方式的议会民主制,但议会选举的具体方法却与英、美等西方国家相去甚远,,特点鲜明。以色列议会选举采用单一选区比例代表制度,即全国为一个选区,以政党或集团为单位参加竞选,然后根据各党派在全国范围所得总票数,按比例分配议席,其结果是从未有政党或团体在议会中获得简单多数议席(61席),均不能单独组阁,必须组成联合政府。这种议会选举制度最大的优点是能够更充分、更忠实地反映公众舆论,从而使以色列避免出现一党专制的局面。但是,它为代表少数人利益的小党充斥以色列政坛提供契机,而中小党派的“剩余能量”和“超常影响力”反过来又鼓励了中小党派的产生,从而导致以色列党派滋生和政坛混乱的恶性循环。此外,它还在以色列政治体系中产生了一系列的严重问题,诸如民众缺乏政治责任心、议员与选民脱节、政党化的官僚主义盛行等弊端。因此,不少以色列政治家和有识之士认为:单一比例代表制是以色列政治制度不成熟的表现,不能真实地反映选民意愿,甚至认为它是“以色列政治制度的最大弱点之一”。 鉴于以上诸多弊端,建国伊始,本—古里安总理就主张改革选举制度,试图用选区多数选举制取代比例代表制。第四次中东战争后,以色列政坛要求改革选举制度的呼声再次高涨。然而,出于选举制自身的原因,任何严重危害中小党派利益的改革方案在议会里都难以通过。建国以来,以色列在选举制度改革方面取得的最大举措是,1992年议会通过了由选民直接选举总理的新选举法。1996、1999和2001 年,以色列先后三次直接选举总理。然而,事实证明这是一次事与愿违的改革,它 产生了与改革者的意图正好相反的结果:党派数t大幅度增加,以色列政坛分崩离 析;议席呈分散化趋势,大党的优势减弱,小党尤其是宗教党的作用不断增强;内 阁危机更加频萦。于是,2001年议会表决废除总理直选制,恢复1968年(选举法) 中有关总理的规定.当然,恢复旧选举制只不过是权宜之策.在目前形势下,单一 选区比例代表制给以色列政坛带来的各种危害依然存在,并将继续对社会的各个层 面产生深远的形响.议会选举改革是一项长期而艰巨的任务,究竞如何解决以色列 的议会选举制度问题,尚播不断努力地探索. 总之,从历史的角度研究以色列议会选举制度的目的和意义就在于:追溯犹太 民族的历史,分析以色列议会选举制度产生的历史背景,有助于人们更好地了解以 色列采用比例代表制的具体环境和条件.从中我们可以看到:一方面,比例代表制 的实施决非历史的偶然,而是出于历史的必然;另一方面,时过境迁,可从侧面阐 述议会选举制度改革的必要性。回顾和剖析以色列选举制改革,对于全面了解以色 列纷纭复杂、变化多端的政治局面,深刻理解以色列的议会民主、行政管理和政策 制定等其有很大的布助。
[Abstract]:The parliamentary election system of Israel is formed under certain historical conditions . It is the product of the movement of the Jewish people . The Jewish history is a historical , scattered and returning to the Jewish community . When the Jews continue to scatter and return to the home soil , the spirit of centripetal spirit and the " centrifugal " movement are well integrated . The implementation of the proportional representation has promoted the vigorous development of the Jewish community , and has promoted the formation of the coexistence situation of the Yhghydov party . After the founding of the State , the established facts of the multi - party system have become the main causes of the proportional representation system of the Israeli Parliament .
Israel ' s parliamentary elections are characterized by a series of serious problems in Israel ' s political system , such as the lack of political responsibility , the dislocation of the political parties or groups , and the prevalence of political parties . The parliamentary election system has the greatest advantage of being able to reflect public opinion more fully and faithfully , which in turn has led to the emergence of a party or group of political parties , which has led to the emergence of a political system of Israel , which is not a real reflection of the wishes of the voters and even the view that it is one of the greatest weaknesses of the Israeli political system .
In view of the above - mentioned disadvantages , Prime Minister Ben - Gurion has advocated a reform of the electoral system and tried to replace proportional representation with the majority of electoral constituencies . In the fourth Middle East war , Israel ' s political circles called for a reform of the electoral system . However , for its own reasons , any reform programme that seriously jeopardized the interests of small and medium - sized parties was difficult to adopt in the parliament . Since the founding of the country , Israel has made the biggest move in the electoral system reform . Since the founding of the country , Israel has adopted a new electoral law for the direct election of the Prime Minister by voters in 1992 . 1996 , 1999 and 2001
Israel ' s direct election to the prime minister in three consecutive years , however , has proved to be a voluntary reform ,
The opposite is the result of a reformer ' s intentions : a dramatic increase in the number of parties and an avalanche of Israeli politics .
On the other hand , the Party ' s superiority has been weakened , and the role of the small party , especially the religious Party , has been strengthened .
The crisis was more frequent , so the 2001 parliament voted to abolish the prime minister ' s direct election to restore 1968 ( the electoral law )
Of course , the restoration of the old electoral system is nothing but a measure of power . In the present situation , a single
The various risks posed by the proportional representation of the electoral district to Israeli politics persist and will continue to be addressed to the various levels of society
The parliamentary election reform is a long and arduous task , and how to resolve Israel
The parliamentary election system of parliamentary elections is still under continuous efforts .
The implementation of history is not the coincidence of history , but for the necessity of history ; on the other hand , it can be changed from side to side .
The history of the nation , the analysis of the historical background of the parliamentary election system of Israel will help people to learn better
The color column uses the specific environment and conditions of proportional representation , from which we can see : on the one hand , proportional representation
In short , the purpose and significance of studying the system of parliamentary elections in Israel from the historical perspective lies in the retroactivity of Judea .
The necessity of the parliamentary election system reform . Review and analyze the reform of the electoral system in Israel .
A complex and varied political situation with a profound understanding of Israel ' s parliamentary democracy , administration and policy
There ' s a lot of help to make .
相关博士学位论文 前2条
1 李志芬;以色列民族构建研究[D];西北大学;2009年
2 邱晓里;民主实现的法治机制[D];中共中央党校;2012年
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1 欧连维;“贝塔以色列人”研究[D];外交学院;2011年
2 陈颖;论苏格兰地方议会的选举制度[D];华东政法学院;2006年
3 赵继云;以色列总工会研究[D];西北大学;2009年
4 庄建青;以色列政党制度及其对外政策的影响[D];青岛大学;2009年