本文选题:英属印度 + 高等教育 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】:印度在历史上长期受到英国殖民统治。英国殖民者在从最初为谋求商业利益而来,最终演变成政治、经济、文化等领域的统治者。教育,无疑也深深地留下了他们的烙印。 本文从历史发展的角度分析英属印度时期的高等教育。主要理论框架为卡尔·马克思关于殖民主义的建设性和破坏性“双重使命”论。 关于英属印度的高等教育,历史上有着著名的东学派和西学派之争。前者主张,在印度发展教育,应在尊重和适应印度传统与文化的基础上进行,应弘扬东方教育,教学语言采用当地语言。西方知识和科学的引入,应在此基础上逐渐进行。而后者则否定印度传统与文化,主张教育的全盘西化,教学语言采用英语,学校也只传播西方的科技与文化。麦考莱的“向下渗透理论”是西学派的代表思想,它体现了英属印度时期高等教育的本质。它提出政府应只向印度上层阶级传授高等教育,然后通过这些人使教育朝下“渗透”到民众。这一理论揭示了印英时期教育的殖民性,即它在印度发展教育,目的是培养一个服务于英国的利益的印度上层阶级,广大人民却无缘教育,而所谓的“向下渗透”只是一种借口,目的是推卸责任,掩盖它不愿为广大印度人发展教育、只重视高等教育却忽视基础教育的用心。 随着西学派的胜利和“向下渗透理论”的确立,英国殖民者为印度建立起了西方化的高等教育体系,它为印度各方面的发展起到了促进作用,而英语作为高等教育教学语言的普及,也为印度在今天全球化世界中的经济和科技发展发挥了作用,,这就是殖民主义建设性的一面。但由于它的殖民性质,不可避免地存在破坏性,特别是“向下渗透理论”造成高等教育局限于上层社会,基础教育受到严重忽视,同时,英语教育则导致本土语言文化的发展受到制约。因此,以培养英殖民统治的傀儡与帮手的教育最终引起印度人民的反抗,进而爆发了民族教育运动,并在独立后建立了民族教育体系。
[Abstract]:India has long been under British colonial rule in history. British colonists began to seek commercial interests and eventually became rulers of politics, economy, culture and so on. Education, no doubt, also deeply left their imprint. This paper analyzes higher education in British India from the perspective of historical development. The main theoretical framework is Karl Marx's theory of constructive and destructive "dual mission" on colonialism. In the history of higher education in British India, there is a famous dispute between the Eastern School and the Western School. The former advocates that the development of education in India should be carried out on the basis of respecting and adapting to Indian tradition and culture, and that Oriental education should be carried forward and the language of instruction adopted by the local language. The introduction of western knowledge and science should be carried out gradually on this basis. The latter negates Indian tradition and culture, and advocates the westernization of education. The language of instruction is English, and schools only spread western science and technology and culture. Macaulay's theory of downward penetration is the representative thought of the Western School, which embodies the essence of higher education in British India. It argued that the government should impart higher education only to the upper classes of India and then "infiltrate" education downward through these people. This theory reveals the colonization of Indo-British education, that is, it develops education in India with the aim of cultivating an upper class of Indian people who serve the interests of Britain, but the vast majority of the people do not have the opportunity to educate. The so-called "downward infiltration" is just an excuse to shirk responsibility and conceal its unwillingness to develop education for the vast majority of Indians, paying attention only to higher education but neglecting the intention of basic education. With the victory of the Western School and the establishment of the "theory of downward penetration", the British colonists established a westernized higher education system for India, which played a role in promoting the development of various aspects of India. The popularization of English as a medium of instruction in higher education has also played a role in India's economic and technological development in today's globalized world, which is the constructive aspect of colonialism. But because of its colonial nature, it is inevitable that it is destructive, especially because of the "downward penetration theory", which results in higher education being confined to the upper classes, the basic education being seriously neglected, and at the same time, The development of native language and culture is restricted by English education. Therefore, the education of cultivating the puppets and helpers of British colonial rule eventually caused the resistance of the Indian people, and then broke out the national education movement, and established the national education system after independence.
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