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发布时间:2018-04-30 14:09

  本文选题:美国 + 日本 ; 参考:《世界历史》2014年05期

[Abstract]:At the beginning of the talks between the United States and Japan to return the Ryukyu Islands and the Greater East Islands to power, the Japanese government asked the United States government to agree to its public statement that "the Senkaku Islands are part of the Ryukyu Islands." The United States Government insists on clarifying this position in the way that a State Department spokesman answered a reporter's question, and separated the issue of sovereignty from the issue of sovereignty, and the sovereignty dispute was negotiated by the parties concerned or submitted to the International Court of Justice for arbitration. In the course of the negotiation between the United States and Japan on the legal documents concerning the return area, the Japanese government proposed that the return area should be marked by latitude and longitude line in the Annex of the first Article of the return Agreement, so that the Diaoyu Islands could be included in it. Although the United States Government agreed to mark the return area with latitude and longitude lines, it insisted on taking the form of the Proceedings of understanding. In the face of a dispute between China and Japan over the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands, the US government has suppressed the request of the Chinese and Taiwan authorities to return the Diaoyu Islands to power and not to include the Diaoyu Islands in the return scope for the time being. Only agreed to urge Japan to discuss the Diaoyu Islands with Chinese authorities in Taiwan. The U.S. government has handed over de facto control of the Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese government, laying the root of a dispute over the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学冷战国际史研究中心;华东师范大学历史学系/冷战国际史研究中心;


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