本文选题:朝鲜 + 《入沈记》 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在中国史的研究中,朝鲜的汉文史料具有重要作用,参照这些史料将会更全面而客观地认知本国的历史。然而以往引进的朝鲜汉文史料及相关论著,涉及清朝的盛京地区以及盛京满族的内容极为有限。尤其是关于清乾隆晚期的盛京历史状况,即使是国内的史料也极为匮乏。因此进一步发掘专门介绍和展示这一时期有关盛京地区的朝鲜汉文史料十分必要。 朝鲜文献《入沈记》是一部日记体纪行录,全书以清乾隆四十八年朝鲜使臣入盛京觐见乾隆皇帝为背景记录了沿途见闻。该书于2009年首次在中国出版发行,目前国内外研究此书的专著甚少。 本文以《入沈记》为研究对象,考证了作者及其家世、写作背景、写作时间等问题,分析了该书的主要内容和特色,阐述了该书独特的学术价值,以期更好地利用《入沈记》深入、细致地观察清乾隆晚期盛京地区的满族生活,多角度多层面地透析这一时期的盛京地区的历史状况。 全文的主体内容由五部分组成: 第一部分:《入沈记》的作者。通过书中的线索推考出真正的作者,指出以往记载的谬误,并通过大量朝鲜史料考证了作者的生平及其家族情况。 第二部分:《入沈记》的成书。主要通过相关史料,比较《入沈记》中的一些线索考证了《入沈记》确切的成书时间及背景;以书中的凡例为基础,结合全书结构分析了《入沈记》的体例;考察国内外的馆藏和出版状况,介绍了《入沈记》的现有流传版本。 第三部分:《入沈记》的特色和主要内容。分析了客观性、文化性和思想性等三点特色,总结了政治、经济、军事、外交、交通、建筑、文化、宗教、风俗和物产等十个方面的主要内容。 第四部分:《入沈记》的学术价值。主要归纳为三点:一是对史料的补充价值,包括对史料记载不足的补足和对史料记载空白的补缺;二是对史实的参证价值,包括对有争议的史实的参考和对基本已掌握的史实的进一步佐证;三是对现实的借鉴价值。既有对国家、社会的借鉴,也有对个人的启迪。 第五部分:《入沈记》存在的问题。分析了奎章阁图书馆藏本中存在的错误,包括文字方面和知识方面的错误,并探析了出错的主客观原因。
[Abstract]:In the study of Chinese history, Korean Chinese historical materials play an important role, reference to these historical materials will be more comprehensive and objective understanding of the history of the country. However, the historical materials and related works of Korean Chinese introduced in the past are very limited in the Shengjing area of the Qing Dynasty and the Manchu nationality in Shengjing. Especially about the historical situation of Shengjing in the late Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty, even the domestic historical materials are extremely scarce. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore Korean Chinese historical materials about Shengjing area in this period. The Korean document "into Shen Ji" is a diary record, which records the experiences along the way with the Korean envoys visiting Shengjing in 48 years of the Qing Dynasty to meet Emperor Qianlong. The book was first published in China in 2009, and few monographs have been published at home and abroad. In this paper, the author and his family background, writing background and writing time are studied, the main contents and characteristics of the book are analyzed, and the unique academic value of the book is expounded. In order to make better use of Shen Ji, the Manchu people's life in Shengjing area in late Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty was observed in detail, and the historical situation of Shengjing area in this period was analyzed from many angles and many levels. The main content of this paper consists of five parts: The first part: the author of Shen Ji. Through the clues in the book, the author is found out, pointing out the falsehood of the previous records, and the author's life and his family situation are verified by a great deal of historical data of Korea. The second part: the book into Shen Ji. By comparing some clues in "entering Shen Ji", the author has verified the exact time and background of "entering Shen Ji", analyzed the style of "entering Shen Ji" on the basis of all examples in the book and combined with the structure of the book. This paper reviews the collection and publishing situation at home and abroad, and introduces the existing versions of the book. The third part: the characteristics and main contents of the book. This paper analyzes the three characteristics of objectivity, culture and ideology, and summarizes ten main contents of politics, economy, military affairs, diplomacy, transportation, architecture, culture, religion, custom and property. The fourth part: the academic value of Shen Ji. Three main points are summarized as follows: first, supplementary value to historical data, including complement to insufficient historical records and gaps in historical records; second, reference value to historical facts, It includes the reference to the disputed historical facts and the further evidence of the basic historical facts; the third is the reference value to the reality. Both to the country, the society's reference, also has to the individual enlightenment. The fifth part: the existing problems in Shen Ji. This paper analyzes on the errors in the collection of Kuizhange Library, including the errors in the aspects of writing and knowledge, and probes into the subjective and objective causes of the errors.
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