本文选题:英国妇女社会政治同盟 + 埃米琳·潘克赫斯特 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2007年博士论文
【摘要】: 埃米琳·潘克赫斯特及其长女克丽丝特布尔于1903年创立了著名的妇女参政组织——英国妇女社会政治同盟,该组织的口号是“要行动,不要空话”(Deeds,not Words)。在1905-1914年期间,同盟为了给政府制造压力,以达到获得议会选举权的目标,掀起了一场前所未有的争取选举权运动。从干扰政治家集会、组织游行示威,到砸窗户、纵火、制造爆炸事件等,期间展开绝食行动甚至有成员自戕于御马蹄下。这场运动在早期采用温和的方式争取权利未果的情况下,行为方式不断升级直至采取激进的暴力形式,震撼了整个英国乃至世界。潘克赫斯特家族及这场激进的妇女参政运动直到今天依然留存于欧美大众的公共记忆之中,因其独特性及其所彰显出的丰蕴的历史内涵在妇女参政史上占有举足轻重的地位。同时,这场运动蕴涵的带有普遍意义的众多问题依然值得我们深思。 本课题研究主要围绕如下问题展开:第一,参政运动是在何种形势下产生的;第二,参政运动的过程及特性是怎样的;第三,如何认识与评价这场运动。本文拟以以下几个部分来解答上述问题。 导言部分主要介绍了作者的研究动因、国内外有关该课题学术研究的状况以及本文的研究思路和基本框架。 第一、二章主要尝试回答第一个问题:这一部分为理解这场运动提供了较为闳阔的历史视野,一方面对运动发生的历史形势作了探讨,对20世纪初妇女参政运动的社会文化进行溯源,考察了女性的权利意识如何得到启蒙和发展并就运动发生的大的历史背景作了一定的分析与探讨;另一方面对其核心领导人埃米琳·潘克赫斯特作了介绍,以更好地理解这场运动之发生。19世纪以来,尽管女性社会地位得到提高、活动边界有所扩大,但仍缺席于民主化议会改革进程中。其中维多利亚时代的主流性别观念成为女性争取权利的巨大障碍。妇女参政者穷尽所能采取的宪政方式来争取这一平等的政治权利毫无成效的同时,19世纪以来男性争取权利的激进主义行为却给处于困境的妇女参政者提供了示范的榜样——只有行动才能步步推进改革。社会政治同盟的核心领导人埃米琳·潘克赫斯特正是在这场运动中崛起的。通过对埃米琳·潘克赫斯特的成长背景及其早期政治生涯的了解,为我们提供了理解个人要素在催生历史运动时所起的作用,也有助于更为深入与全面的理解同盟参政运动的缘起和发展。 第三、四章是对上述第二个问题的回应。在广泛占有大量的第一手资料及新近挖掘的史料基础上,尽量客观地呈现接近历史真相的运动。笔者把1905-1914年间同盟发起的参政运动分为三个阶段。第一阶段是1905-1907年,这是激进参政运动的兴起阶段;第二阶段:1908-1912年,同盟的行动演变为有节制的暴力行动;第三阶段:1912-1914年,同盟的暴力行动达到顶峰,方式扩大到使用破坏公共设施、破坏艺术品、纵火和使用炸弹等等,呈现出恐怖主义等多种特征。同时,就同盟参政运动中的宣传策略进行分析。这场运动是以其激进行为方式而知名的,但是很多人却忽略了这场运动卓有成效的宣传策略。行动和言辞实际上是组成同盟参政运动的两个核心部分。因此通过对同盟与大众媒体间互动关系的研究,为理解这场运动提供了一个新的视角。可以说,同盟和媒体关系的研究是目前参政运动研究中一个最新的研究路径,由这个新视角出发,使我们对同盟妇女参政运动战斗策略以外的媒体宣传策略有了进一步的理解和思考。 对这场运动的评价性分析集中在五、六两章。通过以上多角度的对运动缘起、进程、特征、战斗策略和媒体策略的描述和分析,无疑引发我们对这场运动的性质的思考。这场运动究竟是一场理性的,还是非理性的参政运动?它所实施的策略在整个妇女参政运动中究竟起到一种什么样的作用?参政运动存在着哪些缺憾?笔者在依据大量的历史事实的基础上,做出了自己的分析和判断。此外,就这场运动而言,在历史不同时期,公众对它的认识与评价也是不同的。这一部分的写作从公共记忆史角度对同盟的激进参政运动作了探寻,考察了第一次世界大战后长时段历史进程中关于战斗参政者的公共记忆的建构的历程。战斗参政者是如何从最初政府眼中的暴徒成为大众文化中的英雄偶像?对同盟的领导人埃米琳·潘克赫斯特公共记忆的形象建构将成为探寻和分析的中心。以社会记忆理论为参照,尝试找寻关于这场参政运动公共记忆的建构方式以及背后的推动力量,从而解读出人们是如何制造了这场妇女参政运动历史的神话,而战斗参政者的精神又是如何被保留和传递的。通过公共记忆的研究使人们对这场运动有了更为纵深的理解,而不是简单的囿于运动本身。同时,公共记忆也能充分体现出人们对这场运动动态的认识过程,促使我们思考记忆和历史的关系。 最后,,对这场运动蕴涵的一系列问题,文中也提出了一些思考:如女性的现代性问题,英国的民主化进程问题及当下境遇中现存体制外没有涉及或者无法解决的问题如何在体制内实现等诸多问题。与以往的争取平等选举权利的女性相比,同盟成员无疑彰显出了更为自觉和主动的主体性意识。可以说,这场运动为我们提供了一个反省这些问题的参照。
[Abstract]:Emmeline Pankhurst and his eldest daughter, Chris Turnbull, founded the famous British women's political alliance in 1903, the British women's social and political alliance. The slogan was "Deeds, not Words". During the 1905-1914 years, the alliance made pressure on the government to achieve the right to vote in Parliament. It set off an unprecedented campaign to fight for the right to vote. From interfering with politicians' gatherings, organizing demonstrations, breaking windows, arson, making explosions, etc., during a hunger strike and even a member who killed himself under the horseshoe. The Pankhurst family and the radical women's political movement still remain in the public memory of the European and American masses until today, and the radical and violent form of violence, which still holds the pivotal position in the history of women's political participation. At that time, many problems with universal significance in this movement still deserve our deep consideration.
This topic mainly focuses on the following questions: first, the political participation movement is produced under the circumstances; second, what is the process and characteristics of the political participation movement; third, how to understand and evaluate the movement. This article is to answer the above questions.
The introductory part mainly introduces the research motivation of the author, the status of academic research on this subject both at home and abroad, and the research train of thought and basic framework of this article.
The first, second chapter mainly tries to answer the first question: this part provides a broader historical perspective for understanding the movement. On the one hand, it explores the historical situation of the movement, traced the social culture of the women's political participation movement in the early twentieth Century, and inspected how the women's rights consciousness was enlightened and developed and carried out. On the other hand, Emmeline Pankhurst, the core leader of the movement, was introduced to better understand the movement, in order to better understand the movement of the.19 century, although the social status of women has been improved, the activity boundary has expanded, but it is still absent from the process of democratic parliamentary reform. Among them, the mainstream gender concept in the age of Vitoria has become a huge obstacle for women to win rights. Women's politicians have exhausted the constitutional way they can take in order to win this equal political rights. At the same time, the radicalism of male striving for rights has provided a demonstration of women's political participants in the difficult situation since nineteenth Century. Example - only action can advance the reform step by step. The core leader of the social and political alliance, Emmeline Pankhurst, is rising in this movement. Through the understanding of Emmeline Pankhurst's growing background and his early political career, we have provided us with the understanding of the individual elements in the birth of the historical movement. It also helps to understand the origin and development of the alliance political participation more deeply and comprehensively.
The third, fourth chapter is the response to the above second problems. On the basis of extensive possession of a large number of first-hand information and newly excavated historical materials, the movement of approaching the truth of history is presented as objectively as possible. The author divides the political participation movement initiated by the alliance in three stages in 1905-1914 years. The first stage is 1905-1907 years, which is the radical political participation movement. The second stage: 1908-1912 years, the alliance's action evolved into a temperate and violent action; in the third stage, in the 1912-1914 year, the alliance's violence reached its peak, expanded to the use of destruction of public facilities, the destruction of art, the arson and the use of bombs, and so on. The campaign is an analysis of the propaganda strategy. This movement is known for its radical behavior, but many people ignore the effective propaganda strategy. Actions and words are actually the two core parts of the Confederate political movement. So, through the study of the interaction between the alliance and the mass media, the understanding of the interaction between the alliance and the mass media is understood. This movement provides a new perspective. It can be said that the research of alliance and media relations is the latest research path in the present study of the political participation movement. From this new perspective, we have a further understanding and consideration of the media propaganda strategy outside the fighting strategy of the Allied women's political participation in political movement.
The Evaluative Analysis of this movement is concentrated in five, 62 chapters. The description and analysis of the origin, process, characteristics, combat strategy and media strategy of the movement above will undoubtedly cause us to think about the nature of the movement. Is this movement a rational, or irrational participation in political participation? The strategy it implements What kind of role does it play in the whole women's political participation movement? What shortcomings exist in the political participation movement? I have made his own analysis and judgment on the basis of a large number of historical facts. In addition, in this movement, in different historical periods, the public's understanding and evaluation are different. From the perspective of the history of public memory, we explored the movement of the radical political participation of the alliance, and examined the course of the construction of the public memory of the fighting participants in the long period of the first World War. The image construction of Eeline Pankhurst's public memory will be the center of exploration and analysis. Taking the social memory theory as the reference, it tries to find out the way of construction and the driving force behind the public memory of the political participation movement, so as to explain how people made the myth of the history of the women's political participation. The spirit of the political person is also preserved and transferred. Through the study of public memory, people have a deeper understanding of the movement, rather than simply constrained by the movement itself. At the same time, public memory can fully reflect the process of understanding the movement of the movement, and urge us to think about the relationship between memory and history.
In the end, a series of questions contained in this movement are also put forward, such as the question of the modernity of women, the problem of the process of democratization in Britain and how the problems that are not involved or unsolved in the present situation are realized in the system. By comparison, the members of the alliance undoubtedly show a more conscious and active sense of subjectivity, which can be referred to as a reflection of these questions.
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