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发布时间:2018-05-10 07:17

  本文选题:英国 + 黑斯廷斯弹劾案 ; 参考:《历史教学(下半月刊)》2013年06期

[Abstract]:In the course of pursuing "Chinese Dream" and striving to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is the duty and duty of every history worker to scientifically grasp the development situation of the major western countries and draw useful experiences and lessons from it. Ph.D. students in history are a very important force in the development of history in China. Our journal has always attached great importance to the selection and use of papers for outstanding doctoral students. This group of doctoral articles organized by Professor Yu Wenjie of the Department of History of Nanjing University, This paper dares to break the established historical narration and probes into the cultural development mode of the main western countries from different aspects. Liu Chang believes that British political thinkers have their own ideas for the maintenance and development of the British Empire. The philosopher Burke impeached Hastings, the first Indian governor, and spoke several years ago when Burke pushed for several Indian bills. A sufficient sample was given to examine Burke's reflections on British India. Taking the cities of Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds as examples, Liang Yuan discusses the factors of the rise of modern British industrial cities, and reveals the blending process between the European continent civilization and the British native industrial civilization from one side. From the origin of the glorious revolution and its historical rhetorical writing, Guan Hongliang re-examined the historical event which had an important impact on the history of Britain and the world by examining the specific war and details. Maojie discussed the causes of the Peterlou incident. He believed that the reasons for the Peterlou incident were the premeditation of the local sheriff in Manchester and the tacit approval of the Tory Party government. It was Manchester and Salford's hatred of the working class that had a major impact on British politics. This group of articles analyzes the different aspects of modern British civilization, which is innovative and beneficial to the further discussion and study of related problems.
【作者单位】: 南京大学历史学系;山东大学(威海)翻译学院;


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