发布时间:2018-05-20 11:46
本文选题:英国 + 民主制度 ; 参考:《山东大学》2008年博士论文
【摘要】: 作为一种上层建筑,“民主制度”的建立必须以一定的经济和社会条件为基础。不过,即使在经济和社会条件大致相当的条件下,各国建立“民主制度”的过程和方式——平稳与否、付出代价多少——却不尽相同。因此,民主制度建立的方式和条件是值得深思和探讨的一个问题。 英国作为老牌的资本主义国家,也是议会民主的发源地。对英国民主制度建立的方式和条件进行考察,具有比较典型的意义。这将有助于深化我们对民主政治发展规律的认识,也可以为中国的民主政治建设提供参考和启示。 英国民主制度的建立,尤其在这一过程的主要时期——十九世纪,呈和平、稳健和渐进的特征。英国所走的是一条比较理想的民主政治发展道路。近年已经有不少学人开始关注英国民主政治发展的经验,并甚为推崇,还提出了英国式现代化或民主发展道路的问题。 目前这方面的研究大多数都是历史研究,基本是遵循一种历史的线索。尽管这使我们对于英国民主政治发展能够获得一条清晰的脉络,但却不足以使我们对民主政治发展中各种因素的作用有一个较为全面的认识。因此,本文试图从政治学和民主转型理论的角度,把英国民主制度建立过程中的主要因素纳入到一个政治分析框架之中,进行全面的分析。这可以使我们既能从不同的角度了解英国民主制度建立过程中各种因素的作用,又能了解各种因素的相互关系,从而增进我们对于民主发展的条件的认识。 本文试图从五个方面来探讨英国民主制度建立的条件:即经济基础、阶级结构、市民社会、政治文化和政治制度,使之成为一项综合性的和系统性的对英国民主制度建立的方式与条件的研究的尝试。本文的结构安排反映出从经济到社会和文化、再到制度的这样一个逻辑线索。 本文就英国民主制度建立的方式与条件提出两大核心问题:一是英国的民主制度为什么能够较早地开始发展并确立下来?二是英国的民主制度为什么能够以和平、稳健而渐进的方式发展和建立?这两大问题构成全文的主要线索,贯穿五个方面的论述之始终。 第一,从经济基础的角度看,经济基础的变化对英国民主发展的影响体现在农业资本主义、工业革命与经济发展三个方面的共同作用。经济发展与工业革命相结合、物质条件的巨大改善与工业社会的出现相结合,构成了民主发展的经济基础。工业革命和工业社会对于民主政治的影响,是经济基础对政治建筑的决定作用的体现。 工业革命带来的经济大发展改造了传统的社会结构,创造了一个更开放的、更有利于民主政治的社会结构,大大提高了民众的参政能力和参政意识,使得民主的发展成为不可避免的结果,政治变革相对来说水到渠成;其次,较早发生工业革命,并且在工业革命发生之前就出现了农业资本主义化的趋势,使得经济结构和社会结构得以平稳地变革,也使得政治变革不致陷于错综复杂的社会矛盾和阶级矛盾当中而造成重大的动荡和冲突。 第二,从阶级结构变迁的角度看,在19世纪英国民主制度建立的关键时期,阶级政治的格局呈现出贵族阶级、资产阶级、工人阶级和中产阶级之间的复杂关系。这四个主要阶级构成了英国民主政治发展阶段特定的阶级结构。 英国这种阶级结构中的总的力量分布是倾向于民主的,这是民主政治得以发展的重要社会基础。民主的力量包括工人阶级、中产阶级和资产阶级。反对民主进步的主要是贵族和地主阶级,但是他们的消极抵制多于顽强反抗。其中,工人阶级是激进的民主力量,中产阶级尤其是小资产阶级倾向于工人阶级的政治诉求,而资产阶级尽管具有一定的保守性,但是也属于民主阵营。因此在英国,十九世纪建立起来的大众民主制度,不能简单称之为“资产阶级民主”,而是当时各进步阶级共同创造的。 英国这种阶级结构的力量分布又具有均衡性和相互交叉的特点。各种阶级力量纵横交错,任何一方都不占有绝对的优势,各种阶级力量之间既有联合,也有斗争。这使得民主发展主要以政治博弈和妥协的方式进行,呈现和平与渐进的特点。 第三,从市民社会发展的角度看,市民社会的社团组织往往依赖公共领域而存在和发展,而大多数社会政治运动都是由社团组织发动和领导的。英国在18、19世纪已经产生了比较成熟的市民社会。由于社会自治的传统,英国的民间组织一直比较活跃,在工业革命影响下,新的阶级和社会群体兴起,又催生了更多的市民组织和团体。这使得英国民主发展的社会基础更加牢固。19世纪三次重大的社会政治运动——议会改革运动、反谷物法运动、宪章运动——都有鲜明的社团组织背景,对于英国民主的发展产生了重大的推动作用。尤其是议会改革运动和宪章运动,其直接目标都是普选权。这些社会政治运动不仅锻炼了民众的民主素质,而且推动了大众民主的实现。 英国的市民社会及社会政治运动在民主发展中的作用表明,一个社会的社团组织程度高,并不一定导致国家与社会之间的剧烈冲突。市民社会不仅由于其对社会力量的组织和动员为民主的发展和民主制度的建立提供了坚实的社会基础,而且由于其对社会力量的组织和控制作用,也有助于民主制度以和平、渐进的方式建立起来。 第四,从政治文化传统的角度看,政治文化的丰富和复杂性对英国民主的发展具有多方面的影响。在英国,自由与保守、激进与审慎两种因素既有冲突和斗争,又有结合和交融,政治文化在民主政治发展中起了一种平衡的作用。首先,“生而自由的英国人”的古老观念与近代自由主义思想结合在一起,为英国民主的发展提供了强大的理论资源和精神动力。选举权的扩大和普选制成为古老的自由观念在新的社会现实中的自然发展,最终压倒上层阶级对普选权的反对,使得大众民主得以实现。其次,保守主义思想的影响又使得英国人在对改革的态度上比较审慎,对民主的警惕心理也对民主发展产生了一定的制衡作用。这是英国民主政治发展道路保持和平、渐进特点的政治文化因素。此外,大众教育的发展、传播媒介的增多,促进了公民政治素质的提高,使民主的“智力条件“得以逐步具备,增加了十九世纪英国政治的发展的可能性。 第五,从政治制度演变的视角看,英国民主的和平渐进发展,与英国旧制度的性质、统治阶层和体制外社会力量对制度革新方式的选择密不可分。追求政治变革的社会力量充分利用旧制度的合理因素,而非轻易采取激进或极端的手段,而统治阶层也能够及时对制度进行不断地改造,是民主制度以和平渐进方式得以建立的重要的制度层面原因。 英国各阶层为争取政治权利的斗争很少脱离议会制度的框架之外,在绝大多数情况下,都是围绕着选举权而展开的。扩大选举权和实现普选制成为英国大众民主确立的一条主线。这并不意味着整个政治制度的重建,在很大程度上是对既有政治制度的完善或“增量改革”。在君主立宪制的外壳下,英国政体的实质从精英民主或贵族民主和平渐进地转变为大众民主。这得益于“旧制度”包含的开放性与权力的制度化。英国历史上早已出现的代议制度,使现代的政治斗争有一个制度化的框架。议会一开始是贵族限制王权的工具,后来则成为人民实现自己政治和经济社会权利的工具。在民主发展的过程中,选举民主带动了议会民主,人民主权带动了议会主权。扩大选举权和实现普选制成为英国大众民主确立的一条主线。 总之,本文从民主转型的基本理论出发,对英国民主制度建立的方式与条件进行了系统的多因素的分析,尤其着重于英国民主发展的社会基础。从经济、阶级、市民社会、政治文化和政治制度五个方面进行的探讨表明,英国十九世纪民主的发展具有较为坚实的基础和强大的动力,而且民主发展的和平稳健和渐进特征又有较为确切的保障。 民主的发展和民主制度的建立是多因素共同作用,而不仅是一两个因素单独作用的结果。英国民主政治发展中的各种因素,是相互联系和相互影响的:历史和现实,经济与社会,政治与文化等各种因素之间存在着复杂和密切的互相关系。而英国的民主制度之所以能够在十九世纪建立起来,就是因为这些因素总的作用是有利于民主政治的。 英国的经验也表明,在民主发展的各种因素中,经济基础的变化以及由此引发的社会结构的巨变具有一种决定性作用。民主发展的动力主要来自工业革命的影响和工业社会的结构,民主发展的和平、稳健与渐进的特点则主要来自工业革命前即已初步形成的社会、文化和制度因素。因此,英国民主制度建立的方式由于其在工业革命之前形成的一些社会文化和制度特点而具有一定的特殊性,但是由于工业化和现代化所导致的经济基础与社会结构的变化是全球性的,所以工业社会与民主发展之间的联系具有一定的普遍性。在民主政治发展的过程中,比之特殊性,这种普遍性具有更大的意义和影响。
[Abstract]:As a superstructure, the establishment of the "democratic system" must be based on certain economic and social conditions. However, even if the economic and social conditions are roughly equal, the process and way of establishing a "democratic system" in the country - the price of a stable or not - is not the same. Therefore, the democratic system is established. The way and condition is a question worth pondering and discussing.
As the old capitalist country and the birthplace of parliamentary democracy, the investigation of the ways and conditions for the establishment of the British democratic system will be of a typical significance. This will help us to deepen our understanding of the law of democratic politics and provide reference and inspiration for the construction of China's democratic politics.
The establishment of the British democratic system, especially in the main period of this process, in the nineteenth Century, is characterized by peace, stability and gradual progress. Britain has taken a more ideal path for democratic political development. In recent years, many scholars have begun to pay attention to the experience of the development of democratic politics in Britain, and have put forward the British style of modernity. The problem of the path of development or democracy.
Most of these studies are historical studies and basically follow a historical clue. Although this makes us a clear vein for the development of democratic politics in Britain, it is not enough to make us more fully aware of the role of various factors in the development of democracy. A comprehensive analysis of the main factors in the process of the establishment of British democracy in the framework of the process of the establishment of the British democratic system will enable us to understand the role of various factors in the process of the establishment of the British democratic system from a different perspective and to understand the relationship between the various factors and thus increase the relationship between the various factors. Get into our understanding of the conditions of democratic development.
This article tries to discuss the conditions for the establishment of the British democratic system from five aspects: the economic basis, the class structure, the civil society, the political culture and the political system, making it a comprehensive and systematic study of the ways and conditions for the establishment of the British democratic system. The structure of this article reflects the economic to the society. Such a logical clue as to culture and to the system.
This article puts forward two core questions about the ways and conditions for the establishment of the British democratic system: one is why the British democratic system can be developed and established earlier? Two, why can the British democratic system develop and establish in a peaceful, steady and gradual way? The two major issues are the main clues of the full text, run through five. All the way out.
First, from the point of view of economic foundation, the influence of economic base on the development of British democracy is reflected in the common role of agricultural capitalism, industrial revolution and economic development in three aspects. The combination of economic development and industrial revolution, the great improvement of material conditions and the emergence of industrial society, constitutes the economy of democratic development. The influence of industrial revolution and industrial society on democratic politics is the embodiment of the decisive role of economic foundation for political architecture.
The great economic development brought about by the industrial revolution has transformed the traditional social structure, created a more open and more democratic political structure, greatly improved the public participation in political participation and political participation, and made the development of democracy inevitable. Revolution, and the emergence of the trend of agricultural capitalization before the occurrence of the industrial revolution, made the economic structure and social structure a stable change, and also made the political change not to be in the complex social contradictions and class contradictions and caused major turbulence and rush.
Second, from the perspective of the change of class structure, in the critical period of the establishment of the British democratic system in nineteenth Century, the pattern of class politics presented a complex relationship between the aristocratic class, the bourgeoisie, the working class and the middle class. The four main classes constituted a specific class structure in the stage of the development of British democratic politics.
The general distribution of power in this class structure in Britain is tendencies to democracy, which is an important social basis for the development of democratic politics. The power of democracy includes the working class, the middle class and the bourgeoisie. The main opposition to democratic progress is the aristocracy and the landlord class, but their negative resistance is more than the stubborn resistance. Among them, the workers' order. The class is a radical democratic force, and the middle class, especially the petty bourgeoisie, tends to the political demands of the working class, while the bourgeoisie has a certain conservatism, but it also belongs to the democratic camp. Therefore, in Britain, the mass democracy established in nineteenth Century can not be simply called "bourgeois democracy", but at the time. The progressive class co - created.
The power distribution of this class structure in Britain has the characteristics of balance and intersecting. All kinds of class forces are crisscrossed, no one has an absolute advantage, and there is a combination and a struggle among various class forces. This makes the development of democracy mainly in a political game and compromise, presenting a peaceful and progressive special. Point.
Third, from the perspective of the development of the civil society, the community organizations in the civil society often depend on the public sphere and exist and develop, and most of the social and political movements are launched and led by the community organizations. In the 18,19 century Britain has produced a relatively mature civil society. From the tradition of social autonomy, the British civil society has been More active, under the influence of the industrial revolution, the rise of new classes and social groups, and the emergence of more public organizations and groups, which made the social foundation for the development of democracy in the UK more solid in the three major social and political movements of the.19 century - the movement of parliamentary reform, the movement of the anti grain law, the Charter movement - a distinct group of societies. The textile background has played a major role in promoting the development of democracy in Britain. The direct objectives of the parliamentary reform movement and the Charter movement are universal suffrage. These social and political movements not only exercise the democratic quality of the people, but also promote the realization of the mass democracy.
The role of the civil society and social and political movement in Britain in the development of democracy shows that the high degree of organization in a society does not necessarily lead to violent conflicts between the state and the society. Civil society not only provides a solid social basis for the organization and mobilization of social forces for the development of democracy and the establishment of democratic institutions. As well as its role in organizing and controlling social forces, it helps to establish a democratic system in a peaceful and gradual way.
Fourth, from the point of view of the political and cultural tradition, the wealth and complexity of political culture have many effects on the development of British democracy. In Britain, freedom and conservatism, radical and prudent two factors have conflict and struggle, and combine and blend. Political culture plays a balanced role in the development of democracy. First, "birth". The old ideas of the free English and the modern liberalism were combined to provide powerful theoretical resources and spiritual power for the development of democracy in Britain. The expansion of the right to vote and the general election system became the natural development of the old concept of freedom in the new social reality, and eventually the upper class was overwhelmed by the opposition to the universal suffrage. Second, the influence of the conservative thought makes the British people more prudent in the attitude to reform, and the vigilance of democracy has a certain balance on the development of democracy. This is the political and cultural factor for the development of the British democratic political development and the gradual and special point. In addition, the development of mass education. The increase in the media has promoted the improvement of the political quality of the citizens, and made the "intellectual conditions of the democracy" gradually available, and increased the possibility of the development of British politics in the nineteenth Century.
Fifth, from the perspective of the evolution of the political system, the peaceful and progressive development of British democracy is closely related to the nature of the old British system, the ruling class and the external social forces of the system. The social forces for political change make full use of the rational factors of the old system, rather than take radical or extreme means. The ruling class can also transform the system in time. It is an important institutional reason for the democratic system to be established in a peaceful and gradual way.
The struggle for political rights in Britain is rarely separated from the framework of the parliamentary system. In most cases, the right to vote has been carried out in the vast majority of cases. The expansion of the right to vote and the realization of universal suffrage have become a mainline of the British mass democracy. This does not mean that the reconstruction of the whole political system is, to a large extent, the same. The perfection of the political system or the "incremental reform". Under the shell of the constitutional monarchy, the essence of the British regime changed gradually from the elite democracy or the aristocratic democracy to the mass democracy. It benefited from the institutionalization of the openness and power contained in the "old system". There was a institutionalized framework. In the beginning, the parliament was a tool for the aristocracy to restrict the power of the royal power. Later, it became a tool for the people to realize their political and economic and social rights. In the process of democratic development, electoral democracy led to parliamentary democracy and the sovereignty of the people led to parliamentary sovereignty. General election and universal elections became the British mass democracy. A main line to be established.
In conclusion, this article, starting with the basic theory of democratic transformation, analyses the ways and conditions of the establishment of the British democratic system in a systematic way, especially on the social basis for the development of democracy in Britain. From the five aspects of economy, class, civil society, political culture and political system, the British democratic nineteenth Century Development has a solid foundation and strong driving force, and the peaceful, steady and progressive characteristics of democratic development have a more precise guarantee.
The development of democracy and the establishment of the democratic system are the common effects of multiple factors, not only the results of the one or two factors alone. The various factors in the development of British democratic politics are interconnected and interrelated: history and reality, economic and social, political and cultural factors are complex and closely interrelated. The reason why the British system of democracy can be established in nineteenth Century is that these factors are in general beneficial to democratic politics.
The British experience also shows that, among the various factors of democratic development, the changes in the economic base and the consequent huge changes in the social structure have a decisive role. The impetus for democratic development mainly comes from the influence of industrial revolution and the structure of industrial society, the development of democracy and the steady and gradual characteristics of the democratic development are mainly from the industrial revolution. The social, cultural and institutional factors that have been initially formed, therefore, the way the British democratic system is established is special because of its social and cultural and institutional characteristics that were formed before the industrial revolution, but the economic and social changes caused by industrialization and modernization are global, The link between the industrial society and the democratic development has a certain universality. In the process of the development of democracy, the universality has greater significance and influence than the particularity of the development of democracy.
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