发布时间:2018-05-30 08:06
本文选题:都铎王朝 + 中央 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 都铎君主的统治自1485年亨利七世加冕开始,到1603年伊丽莎白一世去世截止。玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世的统治,即从1553年到1603年,占据了都铎王朝晚期的历史。这段时间是英国从封建社会向资本主义社会转变的时期。形成中的资产阶级在社会上竭力开辟新的发展空间。中世纪政治舞台上最活跃的两大势力——国王和贵族不得不对他们刮目相看,为了扩大彼此间对抗的基础,也注意寻求他们的支持。三者之间微妙的关系在中央与地方政府的互动过程中得到了充分的体现。 本篇论文的主体部分由四章构成:(1)第一章首先介绍都铎王朝晚期的国际背景,为后面将要叙述的合作和斗争情况预置下了历史框架。此外,本章还就君主、世袭贵族和中等阶级精英之间的相互关系进行了系统的分析,旨在以此为基础对中央和地方政府之间的互动以及三股政治力量之间的斗争情况形成一种全面透彻的认识。(2)第二、三、四章分别从政治、经济、社会治安三个方面对互动行为作具体阐述。除一些经常被讨论的题目之外,本章还涉及到征兵、叛乱和专卖权授予等较少出现的论题。选择这些论题的原因在于,它们对地方政府的运作情况涉及较多,而在其他论题中则较少有体现。此外,在每章的结尾,笔者对都铎王朝晚期,中央与地方政府之间互动所造成的历史影响进行了分类总结。 基于上述分析,笔者得出以下结论:(1)在中央与地方的互动过程中,英国终于蜕变成为一个民族国家。笔者从五点出发,对这一结论进行了论证。(2)都铎王朝晚期,由于来自外部环境的威胁更加突出,因此国内阶级矛盾得以被控制在一个相对平和的状态。中等阶级正逐渐扩大自身在议会中的席位,封建君主和世袭贵族的势力则在逐渐减弱,在三者的互动过程中,中等阶级获利最大。当时,英国遵循的是政治渐进原则,尽量避免爆发革命,以便达到生产和贸易方面的更高水平。这实质上是都铎社会上中等阶级所做的政治妥协,也是英国“保守、改良”政治文化的突出体现。
[Abstract]:Tudor reigned from the coronation of Henry VII in 1485 to the death of Elizabeth I in 1603. The reign of Mary I and Elizabeth I, from 1553 to 1603, occupied the history of the late Tudor dynasty. This period was a period of transition from feudal society to capitalist society. The forming bourgeoisie is striving to open up new space for development in society. The two most active powers in the medieval political arena, kings and nobles, had to look forward to their support in order to broaden the basis for confrontation. The subtle relationship between the three has been fully reflected in the interaction between central and local governments. The first chapter introduces the international background of the late Tudor Dynasty and sets the historical framework for the cooperation and struggle to be described later. In addition, this chapter makes a systematic analysis of the interrelationship among monarchs, hereditary aristocrats and middle class elites. The purpose of this is to form a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the interaction between the central and local governments and the struggle between the three political forces. Three aspects of social security to the specific elaboration of interactive behavior. In addition to some oft-discussed topics, this chapter deals with less common topics such as conscription, insurrection, and grant of monopoly power. The reason for choosing these topics is that they are more involved in the operation of local governments than in other topics. In addition, at the end of each chapter, the author classifies and summarizes the historical influence caused by the interaction between central and local governments in the late Tudor dynasty. Based on the above analysis, the author draws the following conclusion: 1) in the course of the interaction between central and local governments, Britain has finally become a nation-state. Starting from five points, the author demonstrates this conclusion in the late Tudor Dynasty, because the threat from the external environment is more prominent, so the domestic class contradiction can be controlled in a relatively peaceful state. The middle class is gradually expanding its seats in the parliament, the feudal monarch and hereditary aristocracy are gradually weakening, in the process of interaction, the middle class is the most profitable. At the time, Britain was guided by the principle of political progressiveness, avoiding revolutions in order to reach higher levels of production and trade. In essence, it is the political compromise made by the middle class in Tudor society and the prominent embodiment of British "conservative and improved" political culture.
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