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发布时间:2018-06-10 15:18

  本文选题:复员 + 积分制 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 本文主要研究了二战时期美国对于陆军复员的思考和做法,除了文章最后部分对于复员所产生的影响上是在年份上不能确切地予以定位外,主要内容对应的时间上的跨度是从1942年战后不久直到1947年复员完成为止。本文主要依据当时陆军部的备忘录的内容以及西方学者的一些研究观点,构建自己对于这个问题的逻辑体系,并希望通过自己的体系能够使得读者更容易在这个问题上有个宏观的理解、把握。 在主要内容上,全文共分为8个部分。第一部分背景研究是对该问题的追溯或是一个背景方面的介绍,即介绍二战以前美国陆军人员复员的做法、特点,并对该问题的发展、演变进行梳理,这其中一战时期美国陆军的做法尤其重要(二战美国陆军人员的复员工作多是借鉴一战的经验,以一战的复员工作为基础进行的。但关于一战的介绍将分至于相关部分进行介绍,这样便于对比与引出二战的复员工作。)具备了这一背景之后,再来分析和看待二战美国陆军人员的复员工作将是有益的。 第二部分我将首先关注的一个问题是在战争的环境下,复员问题占有何种地位,即这一问题的重要程度。其次,在我论述了这一问题的重要性后,我将以联邦政府和陆军部两个层次展开复员问题的重要性是如何得出的。 从第三部分将以复员的几个方面为着眼点,也可以说是以复员的特色为基点然后展开对于复员的内容。其内容将依次展现出复员计划的缜密性、复员体系的独创性、复员思考中的深远性、复员操作中的平衡性和复员操作中的柔性。 最后一个部分我将阐述对于二战陆军人员复员工作的评价以及其后的影响。首先评价部分主要论述此次复员工作值得借鉴的正反的两个方面。影响部分,我将尝试从短、中长两个阶段来分析复员工作带来的影响。因为有鉴于西方战争与社会方面的史学家对此的研究,谈复员工作的影响,首先要看短期的直接影响,其次如果我们要深刻地了解这个问题,我们就要研究结合战争和复员工作,两者是如何影响或改变社会关系和社会政策的。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the American thinking and practice on army demobilization during World War II, except that the last part of the article can not exactly locate the effect of demobilization in the year. The main corresponding time span was from shortly after the war of 1942 to the end of the demobilization in 1947. Based on the contents of the memorandum of the War Department at that time and some research viewpoints of western scholars, this paper constructs its own logical system on this issue. The author hopes that through his own system, readers can have a macro understanding and grasp of this problem more easily. In the main content, the paper is divided into eight parts. The first part of the background study is the retrospect of the problem or an introduction of a background, that is, the introduction of the practice and characteristics of the demobilization of American Army personnel before World War II, and the development and evolution of the issue. During World War I, the United States Army's approach was particularly important (the demobilization of American Army personnel in World War II was based on the experience of World War I and was based on the demobilization of World War I. But the introduction to World War I will be divided into the relevant parts, which will facilitate the comparison and introduction of the World War II demobilization work.) With this background in mind, it would be useful to analyze and look at the demobilization of American Army personnel in World War II. The second part I will first focus on is the status of demobilization in the context of war. The degree of importance of the problem. Secondly, after I have discussed the importance of this issue, I will draw a conclusion on how the importance of demobilization at both the Federal Government and the Army Department level has been drawn from the third part, which will focus on several aspects of demobilization. It can also be said to be based on the characteristics of demobilization and then to start the demobilization of the content. Its contents will show in turn the meticulous nature of the demobilization plan, the originality of the demobilization system, and the far-reaching nature of the demobilization thinking. Balance in demobilization and flexibility in demobilization. In the final part I will describe the evaluation of the demobilization of World War II army personnel and its subsequent impact. First of all, the evaluation part mainly discusses the positive and negative aspects of the demobilization work. In the impact section, I will try to analyze the impact of demobilization in short, medium and long phases. Because in view of the research done by Western war and social historians on this issue, first of all, we have to look at the immediate impact of the demobilization work, and secondly, if we want to have a deep understanding of this issue, We need to study how the combination of war and demobilization influences or changes social relations and social policies.


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