本文选题:跨撒哈拉贸易 + 廷巴克图 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:廷巴克图位于西非尼日尔河中游北岸,东西连接加奥和杰内两大城市,是跨撒哈拉商路西线上一个重要的商品(尤其是黄金和盐)集散地。它崛起于加纳帝国后期(11到13世纪)和马里帝国(鼎盛时期为13到15世纪)时期,鼎盛于桑海帝国(鼎盛时期为15到16世纪),衰落于桑海后期(1591年后)。鼎盛时期的廷巴克图,不仅是西非的经济中心,还对撒哈拉以南非洲以及地中海世界产生了重大影响,是当时不折不扣的“全球城市”。 在撒哈拉商道拓展的背景下,廷巴克图于公元1087年兴起。得益于跨撒哈拉商道的完善,廷巴克图在1493年至1591年之间达到了顶峰,在政治、经济和思想文化方面,不但影响了撒哈拉以南非洲,还深刻的影响了地中海世界。1591年后,由于撒哈拉商道改道和战争,西线商道的地位逐渐被东线商道和海路取代,廷巴克图的优势不复存在,并逐渐衰落下去,沦落为当今马里共和国的一个省的首府,易名通布图。 本论文主体由四章组成: 第一章主要介绍跨撒哈拉贸易这一廷巴克图兴起的最主要的背景,以及廷巴克图城市的初期状况,内容包含跨撒哈拉商道的发展、跨撒哈拉贸易双方的商品交换、廷巴克图的兴起及兴起原因分析等,侧重点在于剖析跨撒哈拉贸易的发展如何促进了廷巴克图的发展,并重点分析其兴起发展背后的原因。 第二章主要介绍廷巴克图的鼎盛时期的表现及影响,内容包括廷巴克图在政治、经济、思想和社会方面繁荣的表现,并分析繁荣背后的促进因素;此外,本章还详细的介绍了廷巴克图对地中海世界的影响,既有物质影响,也有文化影响,阐述其“全球城市”的地位。 第三章主要介绍廷巴克图的衰落,内容包括廷巴克图衰落的原因及现状,并探讨分析了全球化背景下廷巴克图给后人留下的经验教训。 第四章为结论,总结廷巴克图的兴衰历程。
[Abstract]:Located on the northern bank of the Niger River in central West Africa, Timbuktu is an important hub for commodities (especially gold and salt) on the western side of the Trans-Saharan commercial road, connecting the two cities of Gaoh and Jene. It rose in the late 11th to 13th centuries of the Ghanaian Empire, the Malian Empire (at its peak in the 13th to 15th centuries), and the Sanghai Empire (at its peak in the 15th to 16th centuries) and declined in the latter part of the Sea (after 1591). At its peak, Timbuktu, not only the economic center of West Africa, but also sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean world, was a "global city." In the context of the development of the Sahara Road, Timbuktu rose in 1087 AD. Thanks to the consummation of transSaharan business, Timbuktu reached its peak between 1493 and 1591, affecting not only sub-Saharan Africa, but also the Mediterranean world, politically, economically and ideologically and culturally. As a result of the diversion and war of the Sahara trade route, the status of the western commercial route was gradually replaced by the eastern commercial road and the sea route. The superiority of Timbuktu ceased to exist and gradually declined, and it was reduced to the capital of a province of the present Malian Republic, renamed Tumbutu. The main body of this thesis is composed of four chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces the main background of the emergence of Timbuktu, the trans-Saharan trade, and the initial situation of Timbuktu city, which includes the development of transSaharan commerce. The commodity exchange, the rise of Timbuktu and the analysis of the reasons for the rise of Timbuktu lay emphasis on how the development of Trans-Saharan trade promoted the development of Timbuktu and the reasons behind its rise and development. The second chapter mainly introduces the performance and influence of Timbuktu's peak period, including the performance of Timbuktu's prosperity in political, economic, ideological and social aspects, and analyzes the factors that contribute to the prosperity. This chapter also introduces the influence of Timbuktu on the Mediterranean world, both material and cultural, and expounds the status of Timbuktu as a "global city". The third chapter mainly introduces the decline of Timbuktu, including the reasons and current situation of Timbuktu decline, and analyzes the experience and lessons left by Timbuktu to future generations under the background of globalization. Chapter four is the conclusion, summing up the rise and fall of Timbuktu.
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