本文选题:合法性 + 合法性基础 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 中国共产党十六届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》指出:我们必须居安思危,增强忧患意识,深刻汲取世界上一些执政党兴衰成败的经验教训,更加自觉地加强执政能力建设,始终为人民执好政、掌好权。而纵观世界政党政治的舞台,曾经创造过“经济奇迹”和“政治奇迹”,并连续执政71年的墨西哥革命制度党的兴衰值得我们重视。因此本文结合政治合法性的相关理论,对革命制度党长期执政的合法性基础作一个全面的研究和论述,以深化对革命制度党执政经验的认识。 本文共分绪论、正文、结语三个部分,绪论部分首先在对墨西哥革命制度党的研究现状做出分析的基础上,阐明为什么要选择研究革命制度党的合法性基础。然后对本文所涉及的核心概念——合法性及合法性基础做出阐释。最后对于本论文所运用的研究方法做出简要说明。 而正文部分又分为三章,主要围绕合法性基础的三个维度展开,也就是合法性的理念、制度规范及统治绩效基础。第一章主要阐述的以民族主义为基础的革命意识形态是革命制度党的理念基础,并分析了这种革命意识形态的形成背景、原因及其作用。最后指出革命意识形态基础的限度。第二章主要梳理了革命制度党执政合法性的制度基础,形式上的宪政制度、职团组织体系及政治制度“钟摆效应”是革命制度党最为关键的合法性基础。第三章从统治绩效的角度考察了革命制度党的有效性,政治稳定与经济发展是革命制度党统治有效性的显著表现。曾经创造的“政治稳定”与“经济奇迹”成为革命制度党重要的合法性基础。 最后一章也是本文的一个结语部分,在前三章的分析基础上,对革命制度党的丧失执政地位进行一定的反思,认为在墨西哥推行自由主义改革后,导致革命制度党合法性基础的销蚀。因此,从合法性的角度来说,合法性基础的流失导致革命制度党的下台。
[Abstract]:The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening the Party's ruling capacity Building", adopted at the fourth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, points out: we must heighten our vigilance, enhance our sense of suffering, and draw profound lessons from the success or failure of some ruling parties in the world. More consciously strengthen the ability to govern, always for the people good governance, good power. Looking at the stage of world political party politics, we have created "economic miracle" and "political miracle", and the rise and fall of Mexican Revolutionary system Party, which has been in power for 71 years, deserves our attention. Therefore, this paper, based on the theory of political legitimacy, makes a comprehensive study and discussion on the legitimacy foundation of the long term ruling of the Revolutionary system Party, in order to deepen the understanding of the ruling experience of the Revolutionary system Party. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. Firstly, on the basis of the analysis of the current situation of the research of the Mexican Revolutionary Institutional Party, it explains why we should choose to study the legitimacy basis of the Revolutionary Institutional Party. Then the core concepts involved in this paper-legitimacy and legitimacy of the basis of interpretation. Finally, the research methods used in this paper are briefly explained. The text is divided into three chapters, mainly around the legitimacy of the three dimensions, that is, the concept of legitimacy, institutional norms and governance performance basis. The first chapter mainly expounds that the revolutionary ideology based on nationalism is the ideological basis of the revolutionary institutional party, and analyzes the background, causes and functions of the revolutionary ideology. Finally, it points out the limits of revolutionary ideological basis. The second chapter mainly combs the system foundation of the ruling legitimacy of the revolutionary system party. The formal constitutional system, the duty organization system and the political system "pendulum effect" are the most critical legitimacy foundation of the revolutionary system party. The third chapter examines the effectiveness of the Revolutionary Institutional Party from the perspective of governance performance. Political stability and economic development are significant manifestations of the ruling effectiveness of the Revolutionary Institutional Party. The political stability and economic miracle that had been created became the important legitimacy foundation of the revolutionary system party. The last chapter is also a conclusion part of this paper. On the basis of the analysis of the first three chapters, we reflect on the loss of the ruling position of the Revolutionary Institution Party, and think that after the liberalism reform was carried out in Mexico, Leading to the Party's legitimacy of the revolutionary system of the erosion of the basis. Therefore, from the perspective of legitimacy, the loss of legitimacy led to the fall of the Revolutionary Institution Party.
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