发布时间:2018-07-14 16:37
【摘要】: 第二次世界大战后,艾德礼工党政府开始执掌英国政权。由于此时的英国急剧而严重地衰落,美国和苏联两个世界超级大国骤然崛起,国际格局发生了翻天覆地的变化。因此,为了防止英国实力的迅速下滑,维护英国的世界大国地位和国家利益,艾德礼工党政府不得不对英国外交政策进行了曲折的探索和调整。 战后初期,基于对本国实力的损失和衰落程度的错误低估,艾德礼工党政府对英国的定位并没有一个准确的认识,仍背着大英帝国的沉重的历史包袱,追求不切实际的过高的目标。它仍希望能维持二战中形成的英美苏三大国合作体系,以防止美苏两大国撇开英国单独行动,维护英国作为三大国之一的世界大国地位。但是,这时限于自身实力严重衰落,在三大国中最为弱小,加之面临严重的经济财政危机,以及美苏对英国利益的漠视和侵犯,英国希望能建立西欧联盟,并充当西欧的领头羊,以借助西欧联盟的力量建立独立于美苏的“第三种力量”,争取与美苏平起平坐,共同主宰世界。但是由于战后的英国自身和西欧都太虚弱了,所以“第三种力量”的战略构想根本不现实。 1946年底到1947年前三个月里,由于英国严重的经济危机和对美国财政援助的严重依赖,艾德礼工党政府逐渐认识到英国实力确实是衰落了,而此时苏联的威胁日益加深。在这种背景下,工党政府一方面将“第三种力量”的思想初步付诸了实践,建立了西欧联盟的基础——英法联盟,以摆脱本国经济危机和对美经济的过分依赖,维护英国的独立大国地位,并应对苏联的威胁。另一方面,迫于上述形势和自身实力所限,加之西欧同样处于严重的经济困难眼看就要垮掉,工党政府深感依靠自己和其他西欧国家的力量难以抵挡苏联扩张威胁,不得不把目光投向了大洋彼岸的美国,被迫将在希腊和土耳其抵抗苏联及共产主义威胁和扩张的义务转移给了美国,这表明它实际上已经不能完全独立于美国了。 之后,艾德礼工党政府逐渐采取了现实主义选择,不再过多地独立于美国,一步步将外交航向偏向了美国,转而积极主动地支持并促成美国复兴欧洲的马歇尔经济援助计划的实施,而将苏联排斥在外。这加深了与美国的经济联系,加深了两国的相互理解,为两国以后在战略问题上的合作奠定了基础。 继而,艾德礼工党政府积极推行了“联美抗苏”战略。它试图与美国结盟,在未得到美积极响应的情况下,退而求其次,积极促成美国支持的西欧集体防御体系——布鲁塞尔条约组织的成立,这标志着其追求独立于美苏的“第三种力量”的过高目标的彻底破灭,更重要的是为后来有美国加入的大西洋安全体系——北大西洋公约组织的成立奠定了基础。最终,英国工党政府促成了美国参与其中的北大西洋公约组织的成立。北约组织的成立,标志着英国工党政府推行的“联美抗苏”战略的成功,也标志着英美合作共对付苏联的军事战略同盟的成立,使得英美从此在北约的框架内在安全、战略、欧洲防务上亲密合作并更加紧密地联合在了一起,促使英美两国之间比它们与其他国家之间的关系都远为亲密的“特殊关系”的正式形成。 以上英国工党政府外交政策的转变,实现了战时外交向战后外交的平稳过渡,为以后历届英国政府的外交奠定了基调。这种外交政策的转变是工党政府根据国际国内形势变化争取国家利益最大化,最大限度维护大国地位的主动战略调整,使英国由此获得了巨大的利益,确保了自身安全,增加了国家影响力,在一定程度上维护了大国地位。另一方面,这种外交政策的转变又是英国工党政府的万般无奈之举,是其实力衰落和面对苏联威胁的必然和唯一现实选择,使得英国在一定程度上受制于美国,实际上成了美国的助手和小伙伴。
[Abstract]:After the Second World War , the Government of the Labour Party began to power the British regime . Since Britain ' s rapid and severe decline at this time , the United States and the Soviet Union ' s two world super - Powers have suddenly risen , and the international landscape has changed dramatically . Therefore , in order to prevent the rapid decline in British power and to safeguard the world ' s status and national interests in the United Kingdom , the Government of the Labour Party has had to explore and adjust the British foreign policy .
In the early post - war period , based on the miscalculation of the loss and the decline of the country ' s strength , the government ' s position in Britain is not an accurate understanding , still carrying the heavy historical burden of the British Empire , and pursuing unrealistic ambitious goals . However , it still hopes to maintain the Anglo - American Soviet - three power cooperation system formed during World War II , and to maintain Britain as one of the three major powers .
By the end of 1946 to three months from the end of 1946 , as a result of the severe economic crisis in the United Kingdom and the severe dependence on United States financial assistance , the Government of the Labour Party gradually realized that the British power was indeed fading , while the Soviet Union threatened the Soviet Union . On the other hand , the Labour Government was deeply dependent on the forces of its own and other Western European countries to resist the Soviet Union ' s threat of expansion . On the other hand , the Government of Labour was deeply dependent on the forces of its own and other Western European countries to shift the Soviet Union ' s obligations to the Soviet Union and the Communist threat and expansion to the United States , indicating that it had not actually been completely independent of the United States .
After that , the government of the Labor Party gradually adopted the realistic choice , no more independent from the United States , stepped forward the diplomatic course toward the United States , and turned the Soviet Union outside . This deepened the economic ties with the United States , deepened mutual understanding between the two countries and laid the foundation for the cooperation between the two countries in the future .
The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , which marks the success of the alliance of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , marks the establishment of the United States - backed Atlantic Security System _ - - the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .
The transformation of the foreign policy of the British Labour Party has achieved the smooth transition of the wartime diplomacy to the post - war diplomacy and laid the foundation for the diplomacy of successive British governments . The transformation of this foreign policy is the inevitable and the only realistic choice for the British Labour government to strive for the maximization of national interests according to the changes of the international domestic situation .
[Abstract]:After the Second World War , the Government of the Labour Party began to power the British regime . Since Britain ' s rapid and severe decline at this time , the United States and the Soviet Union ' s two world super - Powers have suddenly risen , and the international landscape has changed dramatically . Therefore , in order to prevent the rapid decline in British power and to safeguard the world ' s status and national interests in the United Kingdom , the Government of the Labour Party has had to explore and adjust the British foreign policy .
In the early post - war period , based on the miscalculation of the loss and the decline of the country ' s strength , the government ' s position in Britain is not an accurate understanding , still carrying the heavy historical burden of the British Empire , and pursuing unrealistic ambitious goals . However , it still hopes to maintain the Anglo - American Soviet - three power cooperation system formed during World War II , and to maintain Britain as one of the three major powers .
By the end of 1946 to three months from the end of 1946 , as a result of the severe economic crisis in the United Kingdom and the severe dependence on United States financial assistance , the Government of the Labour Party gradually realized that the British power was indeed fading , while the Soviet Union threatened the Soviet Union . On the other hand , the Labour Government was deeply dependent on the forces of its own and other Western European countries to resist the Soviet Union ' s threat of expansion . On the other hand , the Government of Labour was deeply dependent on the forces of its own and other Western European countries to shift the Soviet Union ' s obligations to the Soviet Union and the Communist threat and expansion to the United States , indicating that it had not actually been completely independent of the United States .
After that , the government of the Labor Party gradually adopted the realistic choice , no more independent from the United States , stepped forward the diplomatic course toward the United States , and turned the Soviet Union outside . This deepened the economic ties with the United States , deepened mutual understanding between the two countries and laid the foundation for the cooperation between the two countries in the future .
The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , which marks the success of the alliance of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , marks the establishment of the United States - backed Atlantic Security System _ - - the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .
The transformation of the foreign policy of the British Labour Party has achieved the smooth transition of the wartime diplomacy to the post - war diplomacy and laid the foundation for the diplomacy of successive British governments . The transformation of this foreign policy is the inevitable and the only realistic choice for the British Labour government to strive for the maximization of national interests according to the changes of the international domestic situation .
相关硕士学位论文 前1条
1 雪梅;美国对英国经济政策初探(1941-1951)[D];西北师范大学;2011年