[Abstract]:Because of its small size, small population and harsh natural environment, Qatar has been neglected for a long time in human history. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the discovery of oil completely changed the face of the land. The ruling Thani family consolidated the regime with its rich oil wealth and pushed Qatar into a historic transition from a traditional tribal society to a modern nation-state. The sixth leader of the Thani family, Khalifa bin Hamad Thani (in power from 1972 to 1995), played an important role in the process. After becoming a de facto ruler in the 1960 s, he initiated a number of reforms in the political and economic spheres. On the political front, Khalifa promulgated an interim constitution that defined the powers of the Amir, the Council of Ministers and the Consultative Council. The size of the administration has been expanded and a large number of citizens have entered the public domain for employment. Khalifa achieved internal control of the family, the regime presents a relatively stable state, but there are still some unstable factors. The nationalization of oil resources was one of the most important economic reforms in Khalifa's administration. The 1973 rise in oil prices led to a decade-long oil boom. As oil revenues climb, the Qatari government has diversified its economy and improved its social welfare system. At the end of his reign, however, Khalifa struggled to cope with many contradictions and was eventually replaced by his son in a mild coup. Qatar in the Khalifa era experienced the modernization of authoritarianism and presented a typical national character of food and profit.
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