[Abstract]:The concept of honor is an important part of the ancient Greek values. It is a kind of glorious psychological feeling of external evaluation, the cognition of human's own value, and a kind of duty and right. There are special reasons for the extraordinary attention to honor by the ancient Greeks. The philosophers' philosophical thinking and ethical norms of honor have made the ancient Greeks' view of honor progress continuously. The concept of honor directly affects the relationship between ancient Greek citizens and city-states, and whether honor can be combined with patriotism is related to the rise and fall of city-states. In addition to the preface and conclusion, the full text consists of three parts. The first part analyzes the reasons for the formation of the ancient Greek concept of honor. Ancient Greece has a special natural geographical environment, constant internal recruitment, polis politics and civil history of the country, prosperity of ancient Greek literature as the carrier of the concept of honor education. A variety of factors combined to form the Greeks different from other regions of the concept of honor. The second part discusses the development of the concept of honor in the field of philosophy. The concept of honor originated from the mythology and religion of ancient Greece and developed in Pythagorean and Heraclitus. Socrates began to explore and analyze the ethics of honor, trying to make the concept of honor become the weapon of rectifying social morality. Plato closely combined the concept of honor with the political ideal and tried to make honor the spiritual pillar of the nation. Aristotle made a comprehensive summary and rational analysis of honor in theory. After that, the Greek philosophers stopped paying attention to honor. In the development of the ancient Greek concept of honor, the philosopher's ideal has always been that honor should be based on patriotism. The third part analyzes the relationship between honor and patriotism in different periods and its influence on the polis. The concept of honor in Homer era is the pursuit of personal value, with more personal heroism, but the combination of patriotism has emerged. In ancient times, the Greek concept of honor and patriotism gradually converged. The early stage of the classical era was the most perfect period in which the Greek concept of honor and patriotism were combined. This paper analyzes the causes of this situation and compares Athens and Sparta's view of honor on the basis of patriotism. In the late classical period, the noble sense of honor of the Greeks was gradually lost, and the honor was no longer based on patriotism. With Macedonia's conquest of Greece, the Greek sense of honor and patriotism came to an end. The conclusion part discusses the humanism characteristic of the ancient Greek concept of honor, and points out that the development and change of humanism is the basis of the development and change of the concept of honor. The development of humanism on different roads leads to the different functions of honor view on the development of city-states.
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