[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the language and culture of the Tudor Dynasty in Britain. The Tudor Dynasty (1485-1603) was the time when the feudal system of Britain began to collapse, capitalist economy and production relations sprouted and developed rapidly. It was also the time of the Renaissance, religious reform, political reform, and overseas expansion promoted the modern British culture, English and English. The era of rapid development of science and technology.
Culture is the sum total of the adaptability of all nations in the world to a particular environment and the results of their adaptation.The development of culture is inseparable from language, and language is the most important part of culture.The development of culture and language complement each other and have a deep connection.The long history of the Tudor Dynasty in Britain is the witness of this connection. It is an attempt by the author to study the language and culture of the Tudor Dynasty in England that the specific cultural environment and social background are connected.
On the basis of explaining the theories of linguistic culture and sociolinguistics, this study places the study of the language and culture of the Tudor Dynasty in the framework of interdisciplinary and multimodal theory, integrates the research results of the language of the Tudor Dynasty and the culture of the Tudor Dynasty, and builds the theoretical foundation of linguistic culture and sociolinguistics. This study is comprehensive and systematically outlines the development and interaction of language and culture in the Tudor dynasty.
Based on a systematic analysis of the cultural features of the Tudor Dynasty (religious reform, political reform, Renaissance, overseas expansion, etc.) and the linguistic features of the Tudor Dynasty (language is a reflection of gender, language is a mirror of class, language is a witness of region, language is a register innovation, etc.), this study applies linguistic culturology. Based on sociolinguistic theories, the early English Communications Corpus (CEEC) is effectively used to reveal the interactive process of language and culture in the Tudor Dynasty and the complementary relationship between them.
From the perspectives of the cultural nature of language, its cultural value, its cultural temperament, and its cultural exchange, this study also explores systematically the relationship between social and cultural factors and language use, between social life factors and language structure, and between social, political, cultural and linguistic development, thus proving the English Tudor language. The complementary relationship between language and cultural development played an important role in promoting the development of British capitalism.
Systematic analysis of the results of the study of language and culture in the Tudor Dynasty requires three validity requirements: empirical validity, social validity and historical validity. From the perspective of gender, class, region and register, this paper makes a systematic study of the interaction between culture and language in the Tudor Dynasty.
This study is devoted to the following four aspects: 1) the regional factors that promote language development; 2) language reflects the composition of social strata; 3) the gender factors in language development; and 4) register reveals the interaction between language and culture.
The results show that by the time of the Tudor dynasty, London had become the centre of English development. The concentration of wealth and power was an important factor in the rapid development of London. Great changes have taken place in economy, social stratum, religion and culture, so social stratum variables have an important influence on the study of the language characteristics of the Tudor Dynasty in England.
This study takes region, gender, register as independent variables, and ye / you, - th /- s, gerund phrase, mine, thine / my, thy and the which / while as dependent variables to reveal the interaction between language and culture. The greatest influence on the development of the English language; register is the least influence on the development of the English language. Private letters of spoken language are more likely to promote language innovation than written letters of official documents.
Most of the historical corpus collected by CEEC is from men of high or middle social status, while the historical corpus from the bottom of the society is rather limited. Therefore, the analysis of "the study of language and culture of the Tudor Dynasty in Britain" represents only some of the societies of language development studied by the Tudor Dynasty in Britain. It can not fully represent the social distribution of the language development studied by the Tudor Dynasty. This historical corpus needs to be excavated more thoroughly and comprehensively.
How to effectively apply the achievements of "the study of language and culture of the Tudor Dynasty" to the future English teaching practice and English research, how to further improve the students'comprehensive English quality, cultural background knowledge and the ability to use English language, these theoretical and empirical studies will be the future of the author of this paper. Main research directions.
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