[Abstract]:There is no doubt about the importance of education to a modern country. In addition to its cultural heritage, education is endowed with different purposes, contents and forms of expression in different historical periods. Religious education not only played a role in shaping religious identity and national identity in the historical process of Turkey, but also became the focus of reform because of its long history and important status in the process of secularization reform. This paper analyzes the relationship between the content of traditional Islamic education and secular education system in the late Ottoman Empire and the Republic period, the establishment of religious schools in different periods, the setting up of religious courses and the destination of graduates, etc. To examine the close relationship between secularization reform and religious education as a new perspective in the study of Turkish modern history.
【作者单位】: 南京大学哲学宗教学系;美国明尼苏达大学历史系;
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