[Abstract]:The Samoan dispute was the focus of international relations in the Pacific in the late modern times, and played an important role in the diplomacy of Britain, Germany and the United States in the late 19th century. This paper mainly discusses the question of Samoa from 1871 to 1900 from the perspective of the foreign policy and foreign relations of the great powers. The transition of capitalism from freedom to monopoly resulted in a strong pursuit of overseas markets by the United States, Germany and Britain, and the three countries engaged in a colonial struggle in the Samoa Islands in the South Pacific. It formed a 30-year international dispute in Samoa. The dispute went through three main stages: 1: 1871-1879, which was the time of the formation of the Samoa dispute, in which the three countries identified their respective colonial interests in the Islands. In succession, the treaty fixed the period of 1880-1889 as the development period of the dispute, and the powers gradually changed from colonial cooperation to contention and confrontation. The fierce diplomatic conflict between the three countries over Samoa once led to a crisis of war. The Berlin Conference and the General Agreement made the crisis a period of 1890-1900 for the climax and settlement of disputes. The "co-management" system established under the General Agreement on Palin had many fatal defects. Leading Samoa to political chaos again in 1898. During this period, the foreign policy of the great powers had or was undergoing structural changes, and the sharp conflict of colonial interests led to another diplomatic crisis among the three countries in the archipelago. In December 1899, Samoa was divided between Germany and the United States, and the dispute ended. The Samoa issue is like a mirror reflecting the evolution of the foreign policy and foreign relations of the three main powers in the period of the formation of imperialism and the overall development of the international political situation. There is dual diplomacy in Samoa. Besides the equal diplomacy among the three great powers, there are also unequal colonial diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Samoa and the great powers. Therefore, the development of the Samoa dispute also demonstrates the process of Samoa becoming a semi-colony and colony. The emphasis on colonial culture and anti-colonialism is also a characteristic of this paper. Colonial culture is not only the psychological and cultural superiority of the great powers towards Samoa, but also gradually permeates the spirit and life of the Samoan people, This is also an important reason for the successful colonization of Samoa. This paper consists of seven parts: the introduction part not only introduces the academic history of this topic and the academic conception of the paper, but also focuses on the author's theoretical thinking on the issue of colonial expansion. The first chapter is a summary of the formation process of the Samoya international dispute before 1879. The second chapter discusses the last time of the diplomacy of the great powers in Samoa in 1880-1884. Chapter three deals with the diplomatic dispute and the first Samoa crisis between 1884 and 1889 for the annexation of the archipelago. The fourth chapter deals with the operation and evaluation of the "joint management" system, as well as the major powers' policy adjustment in the 1990 s. The final settlement of the second Samoa crisis and dispute is the center of chapter 5. The conclusion is a summary of the great power policy, relations and viewpoints in the Samoa dispute.
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