发布时间:2018-09-11 18:30
【摘要】: 本文旨在讨论门户开放政策的缘起、形成和发展变化,以期揭示出美国在20世纪上半叶实施的“门户开放”政策所映现的从东北到中国全境,从中国到亚洲太平洋地区,从亚太地区到欧洲,直到实现美国倡导下的全球“门户开放”的扩张轨迹。 三次“门户开放”照会的提出,标志着美国“门户开放”政策的形成。美国国内的扩张主义思潮是“门户开放”政策出台的思想动因;从美西战争中获得的巨大利益是美国实行门户扩张政策的另一主要动因;“门户开放”政策的出台还是美国处于特殊历史阶段进行扩张的产物。在“门户开放”政策的形成阶段,美国以中国的东北为重点,同时也在欧洲国际事务中贯彻其“门户开放”扩张战略,通过制衡、仲裁等手段,初步确立自己的大国地位。 从1913年3月美国退出六国银行团的善后大借款,一直到1917年11月美国就中国的“门户开放”政策达成重新确认的《蓝辛—石井协定》的之后几年内,是“门户开放”政策向中国全境的拓展时期。在这一阶段,面对日本的经济和军事扩张,美国囿于自己在中国的实力,在推行门户开放原则时,采取了“政治确认”、“将来再议”的外交战略。也就是说,这期间美国在实施门户开放扩张战略的过程中坚持了妥协性与扩张性并行的灵活性原则,并打着尊重中国行政与领土完整的幌子,在国际道义上享有虚誉。 “门户开放”政策向亚太地区的延伸,大致上是从1918年1月威尔逊发表十四点原则,一直到1922年2月华盛顿会议签订《九国公约》后的十年间。在本阶段推行“门户开放”政策的过程中,起初囿于自己的军事实力和政治利益的美国并不太成功,其推行的欧亚统筹开放和区域经济遏制都基本上归于失败,但在后来的华盛顿会议上,美国把门户开放原则作为国际协定法制化,使“门户开放”政策更加完善,美国对这一政策的推行也达到高潮。 从1932年1月美国国务卿亨利·史汀生发布不承认照会,到1944年7月布雷顿森林会议,是门户扩张政策在欧亚和太平洋地区一度受挫,但不久即进而泛化,并最终从门户开放向美国世界霸权外交政策过渡的时代。这一时期,美国先后把门户开放原则作为战前对日、德绥靖的前提,作为战时向盟国提供援助的条件。在战后,美国又把这一原则作为世界贸易自由化的核心,并最终通过这项原则,在全球推行霸权。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to discuss the origin, formation and development of the open door policy, in order to reveal the "open door" policy that the United States carried out in the first half of the 20th century, from the Northeast to the whole territory of China, from China to the Asia-Pacific region. From Asia-Pacific to Europe, until the US-sponsored global "open door" expansion trajectory. Three notes of "open door" marked the formation of American "open door" policy. The expansionist trend of thought in the United States is the ideological driver of the "open door" policy, and the enormous benefits gained from the Spanish-American War are the other main reasons for the United States to carry out the policy of portal expansion. The introduction of the open door policy is also the product of the expansion of the United States at a special historical stage. In the formative stage of the "open door" policy, the United States focused on the northeast of China, at the same time, carried out its "open door" expansion strategy in European international affairs, and preliminarily established its position as a big country by means of checks and balances, arbitration and other means. The period from March 1913, when the United States withdrew from the six countries' bank group, to the period after the United States reached a reconfirmation of China's "open door" policy in November 1917, was a few years after the "Lansin-Ishii Agreement" was reached. It is a period of expansion of the "open door" policy to all parts of China. At this stage, in the face of Japan's economic and military expansion, the United States, constrained by its own strength in China, adopted a diplomatic strategy of "political confirmation" and "renegotiation in the future" when carrying out the principle of opening up to the outside world. In other words, during this period, the United States adhered to the principle of flexibility of compromise and expansibility in the course of carrying out the strategy of open door expansion. Under the guise of respecting China's administrative and territorial integrity, the United States enjoyed an international moral reputation. The extension of the "Open door" policy to the Asia-Pacific region ranged from the 14:00 principle published by Wilson in January 1918 to the decade after the signing of the Nine Convention by the Washington Conference in February 1922. In the process of carrying out the "open door" policy at this stage, the United States, which was initially confined to its own military strength and political interests, was not very successful. However, at the Washington Conference, the United States legalized the principle of open door as an international agreement, which made the policy of "open door" more perfect, and the implementation of this policy reached a climax in the United States. From January 1932, when US Secretary of State Henry Stimson issued a note of denial, to the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944, it was a setback in the Eurasian and Pacific region, but soon expanded. And finally from the open door to the United States world hegemonic foreign policy transition era. During this period, the United States successively regarded the open door principle as the precondition of appeasement to Japan and Germany before the war, and as a condition of providing assistance to the allies in wartime. After the war, the United States took this principle as the core of the liberalization of world trade, and finally carried out hegemony in the world through this principle.
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to discuss the origin, formation and development of the open door policy, in order to reveal the "open door" policy that the United States carried out in the first half of the 20th century, from the Northeast to the whole territory of China, from China to the Asia-Pacific region. From Asia-Pacific to Europe, until the US-sponsored global "open door" expansion trajectory. Three notes of "open door" marked the formation of American "open door" policy. The expansionist trend of thought in the United States is the ideological driver of the "open door" policy, and the enormous benefits gained from the Spanish-American War are the other main reasons for the United States to carry out the policy of portal expansion. The introduction of the open door policy is also the product of the expansion of the United States at a special historical stage. In the formative stage of the "open door" policy, the United States focused on the northeast of China, at the same time, carried out its "open door" expansion strategy in European international affairs, and preliminarily established its position as a big country by means of checks and balances, arbitration and other means. The period from March 1913, when the United States withdrew from the six countries' bank group, to the period after the United States reached a reconfirmation of China's "open door" policy in November 1917, was a few years after the "Lansin-Ishii Agreement" was reached. It is a period of expansion of the "open door" policy to all parts of China. At this stage, in the face of Japan's economic and military expansion, the United States, constrained by its own strength in China, adopted a diplomatic strategy of "political confirmation" and "renegotiation in the future" when carrying out the principle of opening up to the outside world. In other words, during this period, the United States adhered to the principle of flexibility of compromise and expansibility in the course of carrying out the strategy of open door expansion. Under the guise of respecting China's administrative and territorial integrity, the United States enjoyed an international moral reputation. The extension of the "Open door" policy to the Asia-Pacific region ranged from the 14:00 principle published by Wilson in January 1918 to the decade after the signing of the Nine Convention by the Washington Conference in February 1922. In the process of carrying out the "open door" policy at this stage, the United States, which was initially confined to its own military strength and political interests, was not very successful. However, at the Washington Conference, the United States legalized the principle of open door as an international agreement, which made the policy of "open door" more perfect, and the implementation of this policy reached a climax in the United States. From January 1932, when US Secretary of State Henry Stimson issued a note of denial, to the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944, it was a setback in the Eurasian and Pacific region, but soon expanded. And finally from the open door to the United States world hegemonic foreign policy transition era. During this period, the United States successively regarded the open door principle as the precondition of appeasement to Japan and Germany before the war, and as a condition of providing assistance to the allies in wartime. After the war, the United States took this principle as the core of the liberalization of world trade, and finally carried out hegemony in the world through this principle.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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